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Everything posted by freaky88

  1. freaky88

    Servers waiting for host prob

    try redoing your arma 2 beta patch, run both launchers as admin, reinstall dayz, reinstall battleye and try again
  2. freaky88

    DayZ airplane spawn time?

    gee idk, maybe since the latest patch? :P
  3. freaky88

    My DayZ Can't Run That Smoothly

    DO NOT SET IT TO HIGH! for future refernce of spreading disinfo, ALWAYS have your video mem on DEFAULT
  4. there is no need for this you idiot, he can post what he wants, its his thread, if you dont like it then gtfo kid. Bye
  5. freaky88

    What happened the other night

    ive been on this server before, total assholes. I REPEAT, DO NOT GO ON THIS SERVER AT ALL
  6. thanks for showing there ip's, idiot. you dont just give info out like that, even if they are hacking.
  7. freaky88

    My DayZ Can't Run That Smoothly

    setting it to low switches it from your gpu to cpu, if you have abetter gpu, try ramping the settings UP, TURN OFF POST PROCESSING AND ANTI ALIASING!
  8. thats cool, im glad hes not abondining it, but i would also like SA to have high priority over the mod
  9. yes you will be able to play, there will still be servers
  10. high ping makes any game bad..... try updating your router upgrade
  11. freaky88

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    uwotm8? go to dayz commander>settings>and enable "launch using steam"
  12. this can also happen because of a hack called "hive kill" that kicks people for createvehicle when they try to joiN (its also a bug!0
  13. freaky88

    Serves with disabled signatures?

    signature checks dont check for hacked weapons, they are solely done for checking for no grass hacks and similar things
  14. freaky88

    Namalsk 0.73

    oh, your cool. Good luck joining most servers now cool guy
  15. freaky88


    that means you have an addon istalled that isnt working properly. Delete all addons (ONLY ADDONS YOUVE DOWNLOADED, NOT ALL THE FILES IN ADDONS FOLDER) cheers, your fixed
  16. dude WAT....w hy would someone lie about buying a game?
  17. freaky88

    Join Our DayZ Group

    IGN: bitnigee Age: 16 Location: FL, usa
  18. freaky88

    The Outlaws: Military DayZ Clan

    how much people are in your clan? PS. i NEED to be in delta squad, im the most patient motherfucker ever. PS. i have NVG's, ghillie, m4 cco SD with 6 mags
  19. freaky88

    Gamma and brightness

    i agree with you OP. rocket is an idiot. "Impossible to see at night? to bad faggot trolololol ps.im gay" -Rocket, Gamescon 2012
  20. l0l dewd u play dis mod to alph test k thx if u dnt like mod dolnt play it cunt lolk but in all seriousness, i agree. i dont think they can tho, since arma uses battleye? im not sure
  21. freaky88

    huge base at NWAF

    probably duped items they can easily get again
  22. freaky88

    DMR one shot?

    There is your superior attitude showing again. No one likes you, go away you asshole. inb4 another insult
  23. freaky88

    Hacker Wanted

    when the game is loading, ALT F4 and you will spawn on the coast