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Everything posted by iSinflux

  1. Probably not worth much at all. Not sure. Any offers? I'm looking for a weapon and a few mags.
  2. Would like to get a group started of people from Washington state. I mainly play on the Seattle servers, so that wouldn't be much of a problem. If you'd like to join up or band up, pm me, or add me on steam. Steam: Sinflux
  3. iSinflux


    I'm just going to add to this quote. I use my HD TV as my PC monitor. Computers aren't just limited to desktop monitors. In fact, most newer TVs come from the factory with tower/laptop hookups, and a PC output on the remote.
  4. If you'd like to join up with me, that would be nice. I plan on making some Let's Plays for this game, and would like to get a solid companion or small group together. If you'd like to play, please send me a PM and ask for my Steam. I do have a headset, but it is a bit crappy.
  5. I play whenever I can, in most cases if you'd like to play, just shoot me a message.
  6. Mine is Sinflux. Girlfriends parents are over, so, I may be AFK for a little bit.
  7. iSinflux

    Ping Reducer?

    I have Satellite Internet, and unfortunately, my ping is always high, which also excludes me from being able to play on a majority of servers. Is there any type of program I can get that will lower the ping or fix my latency?
  8. iSinflux

    Ping Reducer?

    That's the funniest joke I've heard since stem cell research should be outlawed.
  9. iSinflux

    Ping Reducer?

    Ahh, we got fucked with our last internet provider. We dropped our package and just went with a $25 a month for internet package. That turned into a $100 a month for basic internet. Living out in the boonies sucks ass.
  10. iSinflux

    Ping Reducer?

    I've got the modem set as a hard wired connection to my tower, wifi broadcasting turned off, but my ping always wants to be anywhere fromm 450 to 900.
  11. iSinflux


    Hands down! I remember when I had one as a kid. I'd beaten nearly 300+ games for it before it was replaced in our house hold by a lamestation. Ahh, the good ol' times.
  12. iSinflux


    Consoles are for kiddies. Yes, I do own a 360, but my PC gets far more use. Consoles have soo many limitations on em, that after a while, anything released for them is a just a port, and usually won't be as crisp and smooth as the PC release. Look at Battlefield 3 for example. While it is a damn great game, the consoles had so many set backs, I ended up buying a Russian copy for $5. I feel consoles are ruining the gaming industry. You don't want to know how many idiots I've encountered saying that " Oh my PS3/Xbox iis so much better then a PC!" I hope consoles die out in the next few years. That or a Dreamcast 2 comes out...
  13. iSinflux

    buy high quality fake documents

    Make me a fake document that allows me to Kill human beings when I please? Yeah, didn't think so.
  14. Got a bunch of stuff but no slots in your backpack? I'm the guy you need. For a weapon and a mag for it, I'll haul all your precious valuables to the destination of your choice. With you as the guide of course. All locations/camps/bases are strictly confidential, and I WILL NEVER RETURN TO THEM UNLESS I AM HAULING MORE LOOT FOR YOU. I have no desire to rob/loot/pillage your hard earned valuables. If you are interested, PM me, and we can work something up. As always, please do remember that I would prefer to tag along with the person I am hauling for versus trekking it alone. I see it as a way to earn respect and trust from members of this community. Have a nice day! On a side note, if you wish to take my services, I would appreciate it if you could make a post here letting everyone know if you your experience with me was good or bad and if you would recommenced it to others. Be as honest as you want.
  15. iSinflux

    Offering a Packrat service.

    I am yes. PM if you'd like my services.
  16. iSinflux

    Offering a Packrat service.

    Not a thief. Might be a noob. Just trying to offer a helpful service to anyone who wishes to have it.
  17. Need any kind of weapon, preferably a firearm. Been having crap luck with looting anything besides crowbars and hatchets. In offer I have 2rnd Pellets 2rnd Slug 30rnd Stanag g17 Mag Lee Enfield Mag m203 Smoke Smoke Grenade white. If interested in swapping some items, please pm me, and we can set something up.
  18. New here, looking for anyone who'd be willing to team up with me.