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Everything posted by Bugo

  1. I'll confirm tent / vehicle saving after first server reset un two hours.
  2. Rocket, i was just about to post this on the pending update thread but it got locked. It would be nice to get some guideline regarding vehicles and tents and what's their life-cycle now, what to do, what not to do. (Well right now i don't know if the tent/vehicle save got release since it's not in the changelog anymore, but just in case here it goes) I mean, ie: - Will the tents now get destroyed and wiped out if we ran over it with a vehicle? That would be at least a mean of removing dupped tents with no contents at all, if a hive "tent-wipe" is not possible. - What happens now if you pack a tent? Does the server automatically updates that writing to the hive, removing the tent from the mysql database? - Does the tent allow multiple saves? I mean, we place them, now we take items out of it or add new ones, and save again, does it work like a charm?. Just as an idea, some hammering prevention code would be nice. If you want to save the tent like 5 times in 2 seconds, this should be blocked by the server code, and give some output message to the players GUI like "You must wait 3 minutes before saving your tent again". That would lessen the strain on the database, avoid mysql locking, etc. But well i don't know the internals, you surely have though of this lot's of times. - Is the owner of the tent (the one who placed it) the only one allowed to save it? When some else removes items, it automatically updates to the hive? If we can get info on all these possible use case scenarios, that would be great, for two reasons. Collaborate on the use-case tests and also to feedback from the MP exprience, what works, what doesn't, etc. IMPORTANT: Please, if it's not a hard task, and i'm just guessing in the wind for what i have seen that it's not, could you log to the .RPT file who killed someone?. ie: Player JohnDoe was killed by WilliamDafoe. This is VERY important for us admins to mitigate the hackers. Right now, i could have all the proof of a hacker (for example a video of someone getting teleported and killed), and i could see his death in the .RPT file, but can't know who killed him on a non-gametags server such as mine. So i can't punish the hacker. For more info: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/82535-modification-to-kill-messages/ And the eventHandler (onPlayerKilled) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts Thx in advance, keep up the good job. Cheers from Argentina.
  3. Bugo

    Vehicles WONT SAVE!

    What update man? The only update i'm aware of is a new beta patch for Arma II OA, but the DayZ Version is still the hot patch that fucked everything up. What update did you apply? Thx!
  4. Hi all: We've got our Instance ID approved like 48 hs ago. I'm trying to setup the server but something went wrong since it won't start properly. I've followed every step in the instructions given by email when the Instance got approved but no luck. There's no crash, no errors given, but it seems the map won't get loaded and some of the configuration either. If i go into my Arma OA client -> Multiplayer -> Remote, and enter address, just to check how it's seen by the server browser, i get the Hostname OK, the slot count OK, and the required version. But, there's no map loaded (Chernarus), and also de Difficulty is defaulted to Recruit, when i've set it up as Veteran and also tried Regular. In the server console i just get: 13:35:11 Dedicated host created. 13:35:12 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.157) 13:35:12 Host identity created. And in the server log, it starts from: Exe timestamp: 2012/08/24 12:43:00 Current time: 2012/08/24 13:35:08 Version 1.62.96063 Item STR_ACTIONS_BUILD listed twice Item STR_EQUIP_NAME_41 listed twice Item STR_EQUIP_DESC_41 listed twice Updating base class ->Default, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/CA_Magazine/ Updating base class ->PistolCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol/ Updating base class ->Default, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/ItemCore/ Updating base class ->Citizen, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1/ Updating base class ->SkodaBase, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/car_sedan/ Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/ Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_tent/ Updating base class ->Camp_base, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ACamp/ Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/ Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/ Updating base class HouseBase->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/ Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/ Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/ Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/ .... .... And ends up with these lines: Unrecognized CfgNonAIVehicles simulation thing in bin\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/ Unrecognized CfgNonAIVehicles simulation thing in bin\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/ Unrecognized CfgNonAIVehicles simulation thing in bin\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/ Unrecognized CfgNonAIVehicles simulation thing in bin\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/ That's it, no more output, just hangs there. Any help would be much appreciated. I've tried this several times. The server is patched to Beta 96061, Arma2 and Arma2 OA where previously up to date, since i've downloaded it through steam. Everything looks just fine, Mission File placed at MPMissions folder, the key files, the @hive directory, the @DayZ directory, etc, etc. When launching the server through the bat file, is it case sensitive? Because the email instruction gives parameters such as EXPANSION, instead of Expansion, and @dayz, instead of @DayZ. Dunno if that might be the problem... but it seems the cfgdayz is parsed, etc. I'm kind of lost here. Thx for any response.! I've left it running so you may wanna check it with some browser. Cheers, Alan //
  5. Bugo

    Modification to Kill Messages

    We're not talking about death messages displayed to the players, but logged to the report file, for server admins. It's a silent logging we need. It's pretty basic, if a hacker kills someone, right now i can look at "XXXX died", but i have no idea WHO killed him, ergo, what's the probable hacker ID. This is really needed.
  6. Bugo

    hive down?

    Were you airborne? Prepare your parachute man...good luck with that one. xD
  7. Bugo

    hive down?

    Seems like it. Our server won't allow connections.
  8. Bugo

    Modification to Kill Messages

    Double post deleted.
  9. Bugo

    Modification to Kill Messages

    I agree to this. I was just checking my log files due to a hacker report and got stuck with the same issue that even though the server logs what player was killed it doesn't state who killed him. As sp86 stated, the changes required are minimal, it's just adding some eventHandler provided by the Arma II engine to the mission file, or actually i think it's at the init.sqf file which seems to be compiled into dayz mod files and in turn, obfuscated for us admin/programmers to make modifications. This is a feature that's totally necessary for us to run decent servers and ban users for good. Right now, we can't prove anything. I've seem a video posted by one of our users and i can't do shit about it. If you open your mission file, you'll see something like: init.sqf. It's a binay file, so you'll see some random chars since it's the header of the file Also by the end you get some stuff like: //Load in compiled functions call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early) We could probably load our own .sqf file with the addEventhandlers hooked there, but that would be tampering the mission file provided by DayZ and it seems to be totally forbidden. So in the end it's a thing of "should we do our own patch but, "break" the rules for better administration and anticheating capabilities" or should we just "bear with it till the developers take 20 minutes and provide this for us"?. Anyway....
  10. Nope, they won't save their state and get back to their original position / state after server restart.
  11. For our server, vehicles won't save. After repairing some and saving them, when the server restarts it just spawns back at the original spot where it was found and in the original state. It seems vehicles in is totally broken. Tents will sometimes save and sometimes be buggy. I've searched the .rpt file and got to see when the buggy tent's explode at the WRITE attempt with some error in the code.
  12. Same here. We've started our new DayZ Server 2 days ago, on and latest AA2OA patch, and players reported both issues. The tent one, and salgo that vehicles won't save and reset to previous location / state. (Someone fixed a bus, and after server restart it went back to it's original location and broken).
  13. Mmmm, interesting enough if a launch the server from In-Game (for testing purposes), instead of the using the dedicated server launch, it works just fine. The mission loads OK and i get to join from another computer. Any thoughts? Seems the launching options might be wrong somewhere when using the dedicated server files as it must be. Thx :(
  14. Also this is the launching .bat file (tried both, without windows START command, and with it) start /wait /REALTIME Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion;Expansion;ca;@dayz;@hive -ip= -port=2302 -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=1 -maxmem=4096
  15. Thanks for your reply man. I've used the default server.cfg provided by the cfgdayzdefault rar file as instructed (dunno if this format is old or what, i've read somewhere now it's JSON maybe). Here it goes, pretty vanilla: // // server.cfg // // comments are written with "//" in front of them. // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "DayZ - AR 5 (v1.7.2.5/build 96061) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-3] - hosted by 3DGames.com.ar"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "********"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[] = { "Bienvenido al DayZ de 3DGames", "Zombie Season is now open!", }; motdInterval = 5; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES maxPlayers = 45; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing. verifySignatures = 2; // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. Valid values 0 (disabled), 1 (prefer v2 sigs but accept v1 too) and 2 (only v2 sigs are allowed). equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. requiredBuild = 96061; // Require clients joining to have at least build 12345 of game, preventing obsolete clients to connect // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen. voteThreshold = 2; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available vonCodecQuality = 10; // Quality from 1 to 10 persistent = 1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected. timeStampFormat = "short"; // Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file. Possible values are "none" (default),"short","full". BattlEye = 1; // Server to use BattlEye system // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; // onUserDisconnected = ""; // doubleIdDetected = ""; // // SIGNATURE VERIFICATION onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; //"ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected onDifferentData = ""; // data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) class Missions { class DayZ { template = dayz_9734.Chernarus; difficulty = "veteran"; // change this for other difficulty settings, regular, expert is valid }; }; Thx!