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Everything posted by INickeragua

  1. INickeragua

    SUV spawn?

    Okay after flying around the area for about 10 minutes I just don't see it there. It's not a big deal I just wanted to have it because it's an amazing vehicle. Thanks anyways for all your help. -Nickeragua
  2. INickeragua

    SUV spawn?

    Alright I'll take a look again, thanks for the help. I'll repost if I find it, or not.
  3. INickeragua

    Make sure you check out this great map Oring

    Oring is probably my least favorite map of them all, idk what it is I just don't like it. I much prefer Chernarus, and Taviana.
  4. INickeragua

    DayZ Bug List

    Yet again I have another problem, since being the hero skin when i join servers most of the time I spawn in the air, then respawn on the coast with all of my gear. I decided to put on a ghillie suit, it all worked just fine until i died, and put on another now I keep spawning in the air, and then respawning on the coast. It seems like the only time I don't spawn on the coast is when I'm the normal survivor skin.
  5. INickeragua

    Bolt action rifles bolt sound

    I would love it if they added a sound to the bolt. The m24 is by far my favorite sniper, and this would just make it that much cooler.
  6. INickeragua

    Water bottle boiling

    I was thinking breaking into locked buildings/cars or something :)
  7. I have a svd camo with about 10 mags, I don't really care for the gun, but I would really like to have the m16 acog. If you are interested let me know :)
  8. INickeragua

    Water bottle boiling

    Hah finally a use for the tin cans, now maybe they can add a proper use for the crowbar.
  9. I was going to see about having my friend send in a support ticket but would like to see some opinions. We have a DayZ server hosted from HFB. My friend went to update to 1.7.6 when the download froze at 70% and now we cannot access the serer. I was wondering if anyone else has a server from them, and if they are having any problems. Thanks for the help. -Nickeragua
  10. INickeragua

    Anyone have NVG for trade?

    Lol the title says it all. I need at least one pair of NVG for myself, but a possible two pairs for a friend and I would be awesome. it's a little annoying going onto our server when it's dark and you can't see sh*t. I have plenty of guns, gear,ammo, whatever that I am willing to trade, reply to this post telling me what you would be willing to part with. -Nickeragua
  11. alright but I have to leave in a few mins, and will be back in a few hours. I'll send you a pm when I get back and hopefully we can make a deal.
  12. Well I don't have a as50 I would love one of those aswell lol, but I do happen to have 2 m4a1 cco sd, and a g36k camo if you are interested.
  13. INickeragua

    Bandit Bloopers

    haha always gotta watch your back so your buddy doesn't kill you with the car. Happened to me also when I let my friend drive a tractor
  14. INickeragua

    DayZ Bug List

    The razors are just trash loot like tin cans, and toilet paper.
  15. INickeragua

    DayZ Bug List

    Wow 8 that does seem a little messed up. Maybe they will have a fix out soon, and have the loot spawning correctly.
  16. INickeragua

    why being a bandit is fun

    Yeah being a bandit is fun, I used to love hunting down and sniping people, but the hero skin just looks too god compared to the bandit skin.
  17. Let me know what you want lol, I have a lot of guns/gear and really need at lease one NVG. We do have multiple ghillies lol nearly 10 now.
  18. INickeragua

    Trade M24 SVDs RF for NVG/L85HOLO

    Lol no, the problem here is I don't even have NVG. I've been trying to find them for a while now.
  19. INickeragua

    DayZ Bug List

    If you were asking about the post I made, I play on a lot of server, usually whatever day servers I can find. Usually I am fine when I join the game, but more than five times now I have spawned in the air above the ocean, and then respawned on the coast. I keep all my gear but it is annoying having to run back and forth. It only happens when i join and switch from the survivor skin, to the hero skin.
  20. INickeragua

    DayZ Bug List

    Lol when I first saw the MRE i laughed so hard, it was larger than my backpack. Found it in a firestation, you said you found it in the barracks instead military loot? That is one of the places it's supposed to spawn.
  21. INickeragua

    DayZ Bug List

    Yeah it seems to only happen on DE servers, most others seem to be fine with me other than spawning in the air, and respawning on the coast with my gear lol.
  22. INickeragua

    How much FPS would Dayz get me?

    The benchmarks are for single player, but they are fairly close. I just used it as a reference so he could see in numbers how some of the graphics cards would run the game. I have the 7970 and it's actually above the benchmark score, probably because dayz isn't ran at 10k view distance.
  23. INickeragua

    Trade M24 SVDs RF for NVG/L85HOLO

    Yeah sure it would be nice to have a SVD. what do you want to trade? 1 ghillie for 1 svd? or 2 ghillies for a svd.
  24. INickeragua

    Replace M1911 with TT33

    Yeah make it a one shot to zeds like it was back in the day!
  25. INickeragua

    HFB servers not working.

    WOW Genius thanks, I never thought to do that, oh I already did. I just asked if anyone else was having problems.