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Everything posted by INickeragua

  1. INickeragua

    Getting lucky with these heli crashes.

    Lol yeah most people just have their choppers up and out of sight. I use mine everyday :D
  2. INickeragua

    How to activate the debug monitor?

    Yeah insert works for me too, on official hives.
  3. INickeragua

    Getting lucky with these heli crashes.

    I don't really like that idea, lol most of the crashes I see are from people who don't know how to fly, and they never have any good gear. :|
  4. Hmm I'm not sure then, I never had it that bad. Like I said before I get it once or twice and then rejoining seems to fix it.
  5. I'm not sure if this is entirely true. My friend has his own server and I have gotten this message a few times after a restart joining back for the first time.
  6. This has happened to my multiple times in the last week. I usually don't have any problems once I rejoin, so I'm not too worried about it.
  7. INickeragua

    Mountain Dew Rarity and Purpose?

    Mountain Dew Is awesome. Lol I don't know why it is so rare.
  8. As the title says I am trading a Czech backpack (24 slot), M107 5-10 mags, M4a1 Holo, and Ghillie suit for a pair of NVG. -Nickeragua
  9. INickeragua

    MP5SD6 Holo.

    Well, the Mp5sd6 is one of my favorite guns. It's a shame the sights aren't too great. I just thought it would be awesome to have a holographic sight on it. Let me hear some thoughts on guns you would like to change something about. :)
  10. INickeragua

    MP5SD6 Holo.

  11. INickeragua

    Maj. Osborn & INickeragua Trading Co.

    Oh yeah, we have a lot of guns. Lets make some trades people! Maj. Osborn and I Nickeragua Trading
  12. INickeragua

    MP5SD6 Holo.

    Oh yeah he went there. What a true hero.
  13. INickeragua

    MP5SD6 Holo.

    It has descent sights. I just don't fancy the small circle you look through.
  14. INickeragua

    MP5SD6 Holo.

    Haha it's a zombie killing gun, not a bandit gun. I wouldn't use this gun to kill anything but zeds
  15. INickeragua

    how old is your survivor?

    Man that always sucks. Hope you didn't lose any good gear. :|
  16. INickeragua

    Reset of character

    What you need is a ghillie to hide that bandit skin. If you want one let me know. I have more than 12 in stock :)
  17. INickeragua

    Taviana Custom buildings

    If I knew the answer I would help you out, but I have no idea how to do anything like that. :|
  18. INickeragua

    Road flares suck so how about..

    NVG. That's all you need :) But seriously when i don't have nvg I love using road flares / chemlights. I think it would be cool to have a lantern, either battery powered, or oil.
  19. INickeragua

    how old is your survivor?

    0 days lol, got ran over by my friend. I joined the server, and spawned right in front of him while he was moving the Ural. :) My oldest char was more than 25 until a hacker nuked the server.
  20. INickeragua

    Shovel (new weapon/equipment)

    Lol be smart when using sharp objects :P
  21. INickeragua

    How To Record Dayz

    I've used fraps in the past, but I mostly use bandicam now. It's really simple to use, and I never have any problems with it.
  22. INickeragua

    Shovel (new weapon/equipment)

    The entrenching tool would make a cool weapon, and the ability to dig fox holes would be amazing. As for the spoon and can opener, lol use a knife :)
  23. INickeragua

    FPS Problems

    If you open the task manager, go to processes tab, right click on Arma 2 and set priority to above normal. I have heard this helps a little, but I have never tried it myself. I would say give it a shot, you have nothing to lose.
  24. So my friend and I were refueling our choppers, and generally messing around when he shot me with a revolver, and broke my legs. Before i could even bandage my character was coughing and showing signs he was infected. I guess you can get infected from being shot, I just never knew this before!
  25. INickeragua

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 BRPW Quick and easy trade. http://dayzmod.com/f...-a-ghillie-dmr/