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Everything posted by INickeragua

  1. INickeragua

    The good old days of Dayz!

    You mad bro? seems like it :P
  2. Gaming laptops aren't going to be cheap. :|
  3. I mean like actually buying the parts/case etc and building it that way. I spend about $850 usd and built myself an amazing desktop. I can run DayZ highest everything with very playable fps. If you do want a laptop I can't give you any advice. I don't believe in "gaming" laptops.
  4. Build your own PC. :D Pros: Cheaper Better Can customize everything Cons: You actually have to do something and build it :)
  5. INickeragua

    Hero perks/advantages?

    Are you kidding me? They for sure don't run slower, they are faster.
  6. INickeragua

    The Bandit way to hijack a car in DayZ.

    Lol why did they just sit there like they wanted to die.
  7. INickeragua

    An Idea For the New Cans

    Yeah I agree with with his post too, but I think everyone that complained will just continue to complain about it. Hopefully they take his idea though and everyone can be happy.
  8. INickeragua

    Hero perks/advantages?

    A hero's life is never easy.
  9. INickeragua

    Anyone found a machete yet?

    :o I didn't even know these were in the game, I really want to go find one now.
  10. INickeragua

    An Idea For the New Cans

    I don't see why people made a big deal out of the new cans. They aren't hurting anything. I personally liked them, but oh well.
  11. INickeragua

    Getting lucky with these heli crashes.

    Lol yeah 5 within 1000m :) just a lucky day for me, I believe I found a total of 12 today.
  12. INickeragua

    DayZ - Kill him or let him go.

    I wish more people did that :)
  13. INickeragua

    Hero perks/advantages?

    Hero skin looks badass, the bandit looks like a terrorist. - Not trying to be racist. :rolleyes:
  14. This mod looks really cool, I still can't wait to give it a try,
  15. I used to love origins, but after finding and killing patient zero, and conquering salvation city it just bores me now. Good video though. ;) By the way the head bob in the video drove me crazy lol, how can you play like that?
  16. INickeragua

    The good old days of Dayz!

    R.I.P the good old days of DayZ when I was a noob, and every experience was thrilling. :(
  17. INickeragua

    Best. Song. Ever.

    haha, this is pretty awesome. Good video :) Thanks for sharing.
  18. INickeragua

    [DayZ] Toy Story - DayZ Style

    :D Maybe with a little more wishing, and believing he could have done it.
  19. INickeragua

    DayZ - Kill him or let him go.

    You sir seem like a good guy. I'm sure most of the people that play Dayz would have shot that man on sight. ;)
  20. INickeragua

    Helicopter fail.. (First time flying I'm guessing)

    Haha it's always funny seeing a heli crash :D
  21. I'm pretty sure people have said this before, and just like then I completely support it. It would be nice to not need a water bottle all the time.
  22. INickeragua

    Zombie guts (SA idea)

    Sounds like a great idea lol, and that picture just makes me want to go watch the walking dead :P
  23. INickeragua

    Hero Morph Bug = Death

    It happened to me on 1.7.6 I haven't taken off the ghillie to see if it happens in yet.
  24. haha that mad man with a hatchet :)
  25. INickeragua

    Hero Morph Bug = Death

    This kept happening to me, I threw a ghillie suit on and it fixed the problem, although I rather look at the hero skin :|