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Everything posted by INickeragua

  1. INickeragua

    Hacker in Stary Sober

    Welcome to DayZ home of the hackers.Enjoy your stay. :)
  2. INickeragua

    If Rocket messaged you tomorrow...

    I would tell him to get something better than battleye to sort out the hackers. :)
  3. I have a AMD Radeon HD 7970 and am currently using the latest driver 13.2 Beta. I have never gotten any problems like this in any games I play. I would suggest you uninstall all your drivers and reinstall, but since you already tried that I don't know what to tell you. Hope you can get something working. :)
  4. INickeragua

    Unrealistic Injurys when falling etc

    DayZ is in Alpha and a lot of bugs occur. Most things in DayZ if you jump off them you are likely to break your leg. The moral here is to use stairs properly, and don't jump off anything greater than the height you can vault. :)
  5. INickeragua

    Map with most choppers?

    Well, not too many people play Fallujah sadly I would love to go on there and have some fun like back when it was a fresh release. Anyways, you can find most of the air vehicles at the Airfield and depending on the server there may be some scattered around the map.
  6. INickeragua

    Map with most choppers?

    Either Fallujah, Origins (Taviana), or Taviana itself. They all have a lot of choppers lol. :)
  7. INickeragua

    Banned For No Reason!

    You don't just get banned for "No Reason" either you did something, or you downloaded something that may have stolen your cd key. Something was done. All you can do now is buy another cd key and start from scratch.
  8. Nice story, was interesting to read, a lot of people "combat log" so I wouldn't worry about it. As for the Makarov I would say I feel safer with a hatchet. :) I would rate this story 5/5 *
  9. INickeragua

    Random Kicks from Server

    I usually randomly get kicked from servers. My friend I play with always tells me it's for some file missing, or something in my OA folder but I have all of the needed files. Most of the time I can join back and after a few kicks I am able to play in peace, but there are some servers out there that kick me for everything possible. I'm not sure why it does this, or how to fix it. I have been playing with it like this for almost a year now.
  10. I want a kevlar helment to protect my dome from pesky small arms fire.
  11. INickeragua

    Different types of tents!

    I like the idea of different tents. I would go with that BigMike said about the military tent being smaller than some of the civ tents.
  12. INickeragua

    Strange FPS drop.

    I've heard going into the task manager and setting ArmA 2 OA process priority to above normal helps in some cases. Other then that just mess around with your video settings and see what is best. Also posting your GPU might help people give you some recommended video settings. :)
  13. Just to add. In my experiences most people don't answer back most of the time they shoot on sight. Maybe people just aren't as friendly as I think. lol
  14. If they are close to you use Direct. :)
  15. INickeragua

    More dumb questions

    Just remember if you pitch a tent and die then you can no longer pick up that tent.
  16. INickeragua

    Looking for a Sa-58V Acog / Sa-58V CCO

    I am desperately looking for this weapon. If anyone has one and is interested in a trade, let me know. I have a lot of weapons and gear I can trade, just about every other weapon in the game. Let me know your price and I would gladly make a deal. -Nickeragua
  17. INickeragua

    M16A4 with ACOG

    You should only have to right click to use the scope just like any other scoped weapon. You shouldn't be using the iron sights.
  18. INickeragua

    solid state drive help!

    http://kb.sandisk.co...ii-vs.-sata-iii I'm no expert lol, but I'm pretty sure the Sata III is faster. And yes they are a lot faster than a normal hdd. I have a 60gb ssd for my boot and it sure is a noticeable difference in speed.
  19. INickeragua

    Lock a car, break window to steal

    lol I like the idea of breaking into a vehicle and having keys. It seems a little more realistic then just going to any vehicle you see and it's unlocked ready to go.
  20. INickeragua

    [SA] 'Realistic' Injuries.

    Add Farcry 2 and 3 Injuries. If you are shot or something dig that bullet out of there ;)
  21. INickeragua

    Laser Dot

    I like the idea of lasers. my all time favorite thing to do is Dayz is put on some NVG and noscope zeds with my L85 laser. lol idk about the zeds following it though.
  22. INickeragua

    Looking for a Sa-58V Acog / Sa-58V CCO

    I'll have to talk to my friend Maj. Osborn and see what we can trade off. We had our server reset a few days ago due to a bug so I'm not sure what we have to trade. I'll have to get back to you with some offers. I'm pretty sure we have a pair of Range Finders on hand we can trade off.
  23. INickeragua

    Your favorite car?

    That Huey! it's not a car but flying at 0 altitude is close enough to driving for me :)
  24. INickeragua

    Airplane in DayZ

    Planes on DayZ are cool, I love flying around in them but lol unlike a heli or truck there isn't a practical use for them. Unless you have a place to land it. :)
  25. INickeragua

    DjFpsRpg - What You Can Do In A Stolen HUEY

    There is always a practical use for a Huey lol. No need to smash it into the ground :(