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Kez (DayZ)

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About Kez (DayZ)

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  1. Kez (DayZ)

    Urgent help needed !!! !

    Ok thanks alot dude
  2. Kez (DayZ)

    Urgent help needed !!! !

    Cool thanks but it keeps happening randomly and thanks about the Fps increase scam advice
  3. Kez (DayZ)

    Urgent help needed !!! !

    LOL you sir have my beans
  4. Kez (DayZ)

    Urgent help needed !!! !

    Changed post
  5. Hi on my server me a some of the players get kicked for this error has been kicked by BattlEye: RemoteExec Restriction #10 Any one tell me what it is. Many thanks, Kezter
  6. Hi I own server and I got a guy that keeps getting kicked for PublicVariable Value Restriction #66 when ever he takes damage. We have tried various solutions but not any one of them work, We tried re-installing battleye Manually he has also tried re-installing dayz manually. Many Thanks, Kezter
  7. Kez (DayZ)

    DayZ Live Streaming (with on screen live stats)

    How are you building those bases ?
  8. Would you like me to raise the ping barrier ?
  9. Hi i have a server and looking for some new players :D The map is chernarus There are admins watching 24/7, There are 100+ plus vehicles, 10 choppers, you start with a 1911 with 1 mag and map, knife, torch and a bandage and pain killer The server restarts every 6 hours, We also have a teamspeak server :D Server Name: DayZChernarus - ( [REGULAR NP:OFF][GMT0] Private Hive - Kez | DayZ.ST Hope to see some new players :D. Thanks, Kezter :D
  10. Hi have a new server and i would like some people to come on and play :D. The server is a private hive so and has admins on 24/7 You get starting gear of a M1911 with 1 ACP .45, Torch, Map,knife,watch you also get 1 camping tent, 1 mountain dew, 1 baked beans :Dwith a pack of pain killers. There is 100+ vehicles. Custom wrecks e.g. Ofsprey wrecks, C130 Wrecks Care package's scatterd around the map :D And 10 CHOPPERS ! 9 For the public (I already got 1 ;P) The first 10 people will get a gun of their personal choice, And 5 others will get a backpack and a side arm of their choice. Server name DayZChernarus - ( [REGULAR NP:OFF][GMT-9] Private Hive - Kez | DayZ.ST
  11. Hi have a new server and i would like some people to come on and play :D. The server is a private hive so and has admins on 24/7 You get starting gear of a M1911 with 1 ACP .45, Torch, Map,knife,watch you also get 1 camping tent, 1 mountain dew, 1 baked beans :D with a pack of pain killers. There is 100+ vehicles. Custom wrecks e.g. Ofsprey wrecks, C130 Wrecks Care package's scatterd around the map :D And 10 CHOPPERS ! 9 For the public (I already got 1 ;P) The first 10 people will get a gun of their personal choice, And 5 others will get a backpack and a side arm of their choice. Server name DayZChernarus - ( [REGULAR NP:OFF][GMT-9] Private Hive - Kez | DayZ.ST Many thanks, Kez :D