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Everything posted by bleedshow

  1. bleedshow

    Walking and shooting?

    You can slow-walk when you press shift+w and shoot at the same time I think :)
  2. bleedshow

    DayZ: How To Kill A Hacker!!1 --Video--

    Nice that you killed him but you should have blown up the crate instead of looting it :)
  3. bleedshow


    You dont seem to be fun to play with..
  4. bleedshow

    Past DayZ-This is my story.

    Found this through Reddit and your writing skills are great! Keep posting! :)
  5. hey there, I rent a server at Vilayer and we run a Panthera Public hive ([-XTM] Clan server, come check us out sometime;)) But for some reason there are no crashed chopper sites to be seen? What's up with that? I have no idea how to fix it and I am not even sure if its a bug.. Can anyone illuminate me on this topic? ~Kab03m
  6. bleedshow

    Nothing but Sunshine

    I know them since 2006 I think, still my nr1 listend artist on my iphone :P
  7. bleedshow

    Nothing but Sunshine

    Atmosphere +3. You've got my beans, thumbs up and sub for that haha
  8. You know you are too black when you steal a bicycle whenever you see one.
  9. bleedshow

    Recruiting all Clans!!! <???>

    What MAP is it?
  10. Anybody is able to answer this question for me? I have fun playing on a private server with a few friends but the vodnik is no where to be found>?
  11. Yeah sorry, my mistake, we are keeping it private. But there is no ´´spawn´´ point for it?
  12. well I am the admin and we run it in a public hive but close it down whenever we don't play. [NO we are NOT stacking ourselves with weapon and then hop server!] Where can I see where the vodnik spawns?
  13. we found the 2 tents next to the URALs, filled with as50s, m14´s,cco´s and falls. Thanks to whoever left them there.
  14. bleedshow

    L85 holo

    Ahh okay, I just stopped playing since the release of bo2 and just started again. I love combining that weapon with my as50, although it was overpowerd - yeah.
  15. bleedshow

    I don't understand this Game :/

    My advice is to look for a homeserver with about 4-15 players on most of the time. The more players the harder it gets. Get a map up on your second screen [this is really nice to have, if you dont have a 2nd screen you have to alt-tab. Plan your trips! First find out where you are and then go planning where you want to go to and what you need for the trip! :)
  16. bleedshow

    L85 holo

    There is no l85 thermal anymore?
  17. bleedshow

    You're favorate weapon in DayZ?

    I love these sets; Fall+as50 m14+as50 m4a3cco+DMR Me and my team are bandits and I most of the time snipe :)
  18. Me and 2 friends of mine used to rock this game pretty much and yesterday we decided to start playing again. I dont think it should take too long to get back on our old level again. See you soon! :) EDIT: http://puu.sh/1LFXI Joining as we speak! EDIT2: Installing Taviana as we speak haha http://puu.sh/1LFYG
  19. bleedshow

    Bambi aggro

    Nice one haha, how do you get that many bear traps though? I rarely have the luck of finding one..
  20. Don´t buy from him. Purchased 3 american gold creditcards with full details and DOB but when I writed my blanks and tried to pay with them at the apple store none of the cards seemed to be working. I demand a refund or a ban for this guy!
  21. bleedshow

    How to read Log Files

    As he is the only one in that log file and the logfile is setpos with I guess coordinates [7707251587] we banned him out of precaution. I have no idea how to read the other logs though :\
  22. Ah okay, I checked a few pages of questions but I must have missed it! :)
  23. It would be nice if you can see in the log when a player and wich players uses voice in side chat :)
  24. bleedshow

    The lucky find BUT the perfect trap aswell

    haha awesome shot! Did you know where it came from?