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About Jackwagon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jackwagon

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    So not only do you impersonate a dead person like a coward, but you also pretend to be the police for a game that is really insignificant in the grand scheme of things? I'm really sorry your world is that small. I wonder how long you've been waiting before you could get one small thorn into the side of just a handful of people from a forum that banned you. That's showing the world. HAHAHAHAHA! Really? Drama much? It's funny that you can be so crass as to impersonate a dead man and yet be so afraid to be named and shamed. You deserve to be called out. That's the true medicine for a little troll. Only one person mentioned handing you an ass-beating and for all we know he was a friend of the guy whose name you're running through the mud here. Everyone else just wants you ID'd so everyone will know what a true coward looks like. No one is unhinged. We'll just move on to the rest of the world that doesn't allow a punk like you to stir shit up. That's going to be sad for you. Another few years of planning to slightly inconvenience a handful of people from that site that hurt your tiny e-peen. You're a winner.
  2. Jackwagon

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    This is ridiculous. Someone develops a mod for a game and asks people to host it for alpha testing at their own expense. Hackers and script kiddies basically shut a server down to the point it's unplayable. "Staff" of the mod site and server host step on the balls of the people who pay for the server that allows them to test their game when something is done to combat the people making the game entirely unplayable thereby defeating the purpose of alpha testing altogether. Great policies there, DayZ people. Really awesome. It's crap like this that sours players who really wanted this mod to work in the first place. ... and people think it's the server admins that are on a power trip? Asinine. And as for the little troll attempting to impersonate a deceased "friend" of the players who own this server. Grow up. It's pathetic. Everyone knows you're not who you say you are. You've taken one insignificant part of your life, getting banned from a forum, and made it your personal vendetta to "get" people who use that forum. You lower yourself to impersonating a dead person for your amusement and petty dreams of revenge. How pathetic can you be? Your life is so lame that you'd do this to protect your e-peen? What a joke your life must be. To the people "allowing" servers to exist: If you blacklist a server because the admins try to actually make it usable, you're morons.