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About cstriker01

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  1. cstriker01

    Hacker spawns in Aircraft Carrier on beach?

    Fyi that looks like a destroyer, not an aircraft carrier. However still incredible.
  2. cstriker01

    First Legit Kill

    My first kill was pretty heart pounding, as brief and short lived as it was. I was heading north to Pusta and went east to hit a pond to refil my canteen. Lo and behold there is a barn at the bond as well. After quenching my thrist I head into the barn avoiding zed and stalking my way inside. I was armed with an AKM and 1911 at the time and I started rummaging through the loot inside finding a Hatchet, beanz, CZ550 ammo. I head over to the other set of rafters and as I approach the second story hay pile, I see a survivor behind it, he drops prone and moves and I duck down behind the hay and circle around. I'm blocked so I turn to look back into the rest of the barn to see if he has friends. I turn around and he is sneaking behind me with a hatchet! I loose a round and he drops down to the first floor attempting to get away, so I switch to full auto and blast him with a short trigger pull. The flies start buzzing around the fresh corpse. Heary pounding, I calm myself and convince myself that it was in self defense! He was going to hatchet my head!
  3. cstriker01

    Your Best Story Of Avoiding Death Legit

    There I was, raiding Berezino military tents in the darkness of night, when a survivor trailing 8 zombies runs down the road next to the tents heading west out of town! I have my NVGs and my DMR, so I figure "Hey, I'll be a good samaritan and take those zombies out." So I start shooting, my cannon of a gun shattering the still night air, picking of the zombies one-by-one. There are three left and the survivor is clearing trailing blood. SUDDENLY! He zigs instead of zagging and gets tagged by my DMR, killing him instantly...a clean headshot. The last three zombies eating his corpse...no zeds on me, I go over to his corpse, pull my G17 and head shot the three zeds. Took his beans, burried his body (he didn't have much) out of respect for the fallen. As I stand to leave, ZING ZING! Two rounds hit around me from an AK-74 on a survivor who was giving his now dead friend overwatch! I high tail out back to town, weaving between buildings and ducking into a super market, I throw a chemlight out near the three apartment buildings next the the store as a distraction....and wait. Sure enough, the survivor came looking...taking the bait too. He went into the first apartment and I aimed my rifle right at one of the back sliding glass doors on the second level. He peaked his head out leaning, crouched down, and strolled on the deck. I then open mic'd him saying "Didn't mean to shoot your friend, was trying to kill the zeds on him." He looks around and replies, "just show yourself so I can kill you F*** face!" I say, "I have you in my cross hairs, you move and I blow your head off!" ............He said "prove it"...I shoot from behind a cash register and purposefully hit the wall near his head he goes prone and starts to move. "Move again and you are dead!" He shoots at the general direction of the store wildly spraying. He crouches up, BOOM! His head is now a canoe, hollowed out with a 7.62mm FMJ. I loot his bag, take his beans and his ANTIBIOTICS!!! JACKPOT!, and buried his body to be a dick so he can't get his Kobra AKS, 1911, Godbless Rocket and Dayz...endless adventures at the end of days.
  4. cstriker01

    Your Best Story Of Avoiding Death Legit

    I stalked my way in to NW airfield barracks to the south, as I vault over the glitched park bench in the middle of the hallway door, a survivor strolls out of one of the side rooms and taps the trigger of his AKM letting out a burst of rounds the sprinkle around me but misses. He ducks back into the last side room of the barracks while I tuck myself into the side room just after the bathroom. I shout out to him: "We can both live through this, walk out now and I wont drop a grenade in on you (I have 1 M67 Frag)." 2 mins pass, cautious that if I leave first, I'll get a bullet the back of my head, I shout to him again. "Last warning, leave first and I will not blast you into zombie chum." No answer, another 2 mins. I quietly stalk down the hall in thrid person finding him laying prone with his akm trained on the doorway. I back away and toss a grenade in...or so I thought, it bounces off the door frame landing at my feet, I quickly duck into a side room. Ears ringing but in one piece, I sneak back over and notice him in the last room still, now kneeling and freaking out, he is aiming frantically at the doorway. I lean out with my AK-74 Kobra on full auto and blast him at the percise moment he shoots. His rounds miss, mine hit home, dropping him like a meat sack... At that point, I begin to loot the rooms, not finding much. I turn around to see the hallway FULL of zeds...only one way out. I start blasting, some glitch through the windows and knock me out. Bleeding out and blacked out, I come around to a zombie about to eat my face. 11000 blood down to 6400 blood and more zeds keep coming. I shoot my way out of the horde and sprint out into the woods leaving NW airfield. Down to 3300 blood, I black out again and come around. Finally safe, I eat all my cooked meat, and discover a cow nearby, which promptly smoked and cooked up, saving me big time.
  5. cstriker01

    This game is fun again!

    Play non hive. I have noticed PWord protected nonhive have alot less issues.
  6. cstriker01

    DMR vs SVD

    My team and I just found both in one Heli crash, great haul along with NVGs, GPS, and a Range finder. Opinions on the DMR vs the SVD? I will probably be running one of these. I already have an M14 EP1, so taking the DMR seems a logical choice due to the commonality of the ammo and use between the M14 and DMR...so basically running 2 main weapons....OR Ditch both and run that sweet SVD...so bad ass.... I'd love to hear opinions and facts about both weapons from personnel experiance.
  7. cstriker01

    Are all the 20 minute players gone?

    Speaking of Hackzor douchebags. I just killed two more bandits on sniper hill by Electro...they had AS50s w/ thermal...hid the bodies and bye-bye hacked AS50 bullshit. That is a total of 6 bandits I have buried with a M9SD bullet in the back of their heads destroying their dupped AS50 TWS. 6 more notches in my rifles stock. I'm looking at you cheating DBs. I know the sniping spots, I'd start watching your back. Because I don't know who you are, or know what you want. But I have a very specific set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for DB hacker A$$hats. If you drop the AS50 TWS, that will be the end of it. I wont follow you, i wont go looking for you...but if you keep using that AS50 TWS, I will look for you and I will find you, and I will kill you.
  8. Trying to get clarification if the NVGs only spawn at Barracks and crashes OR if they also spawn at tents like in Balota or Stary.
  9. Just need to remove all removed/hacked/duped weapons.
  10. This is the reason my buddies and I are deploying ourselves as Bandit Hunters. We hit the hot spot sniper hills by Stary, Cherno, and Electro and usually bag 1-3 on each hill.Very entertaining. Alas it will never stop, people get bored and with anonymity masking the person, they will act out in ways they wouldn't in the real world.
  11. cstriker01

    M14 or M16A4 ACOG

    Wow, just got a M16A4 with ACOG last night, and tonight I just rolled up on an M14 EP1...prefrence anyone? I have no idea which one to rock. I noticed the M16 ACOG is HORRIBLE close range, no point in using zoom at all when close. I loved the aimpoint when I had an M4 CCO, but the 800m range on the M16 seems sweet. I do plan on hunting bandits and there ilk...or becoming one.
  12. cstriker01

    New Skins = awesome.

    In his defense he was cautious, in my defense he fired shots at me when I entered before he back into a corner room. I offered the escape route, we waited 51/2 minutes. I smoked him, heroes have to watch their backs too. My kill count on bandits is pretty high, and the number of noobs I have aided by running them through Stary and giving medical help out weighs the one fool that wouldn't communicate nor help himself in a HIGHLY dangerous area for survivors. NW is big boy land, I'll help you and rescue you, but take shots at me, and I will question your motives and then give one chance and one alone.
  13. cstriker01

    whats is your ideal gun setup/gameplay style

    Made a big NW run, all I got was an M16 ACOG. Anyone doing well with this? Seems pretty good thus far, liking it more then my M4A3 CCO...had that for 18 days! Anyways, if I ever find a DMR or SVD I'll take those.
  14. cstriker01

    Best Weapon for a Hero?

    M16A4 ACOG. Unparalleled AR accuracy, great mid to long range with headshots (just learned to use an ACOG scope, the lines have meaning!), great for scouting ahead before rushing, and looks great with the Hero outfit. After that the M4A3 CCO, another great weapon.
  15. cstriker01

    New Skins = awesome.

    Love my hero skin. Lost it though taking a HUGE humanity hit when I was in a stand off with a survivor at NW airfield. He was hold up in the barracks and was trying to leave right as I was trying to enter. He got scared, held himself up in a room while I kept sight down the hallway. Told him he could leave and if he did so now I would not toss a grenade on him in his spider hole. He didn't take my offer of safe passage, so I threw in a grenade which some how didn't do a single thing to him. So I leaned around his corner and blasted him full auto with my CCO. Anyways, can't wait to get my hero skin back, im like 500 away again. Also enjoy bandit hunting with my crew.