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Everything posted by JohnnyCockroach

  1. JohnnyCockroach

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Capt Murphy: Why the hell should there be a penalty for killing other players? I mean any kind of penalty. The stamina is a good idea and I'm all for it, but it has to be so that it doesn't make traveling too frustrating. It would be nice if you couldn't just run forever with a horde behind your back.
  2. JohnnyCockroach

    For the millionth time magazines are NOT clips!

    How the hell have I survived this long without this information. Thank you DJKhaled. You're truly making a difference.
  3. JohnnyCockroach

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    When the mod hits 1.6 there's going to be some confusion with both the game and the mod being 1.6something. That's not an exploit as far as I know. The database doesn't save the amount of ammo, only the number of clips. So any clip that isn't full in your inventory will disappear, and the one loaded in your weapon will fill up.
  4. JohnnyCockroach

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    The only real problem is the fact that there's no reason to fear death when you spawn. When you spawn with the starting gear the easiest way to get going is to find the nearest guy with some equipment in Cherno/Elektro, shoot him in the head and head elsewhere. If you die, just repeat. In a real situation, if you wake up in a zombie infested area with shit-for-gear the last thing you'd do was to approach someone who has a shotgun. I have a solution: 1) Remove the ability to change spawn point. Currently it's easy to "choose" your spawn point by clicking "Respawn" and just spawning again till you're close to where ever you want to go. 2) Add a shitload of spawnpoints. Add spawn points to the road up north, and some to the west as well. If spawning itself was risky due to the fact that you have no way of knowing where you'll end up in and you have no way to change it, people would propably avoid dying alot more. Spawning is too fucking easy, and because of that, so is dying.
  5. A basic tutorial is absolutely necessary. Like Bullfrog said, people know how to eat, drink, use their backpack and shit in real life but they have no idea how to do that in DayZ without some help. Entering the game should be made easy, so that everyone who joins in knows enough to use the interface, otherwise the game is not about survival for them, it's just a complicated piece of software that they need to learn how to use, and the game is filled with newbies shouting "HOW DOES ME DRINK WATER?" The game should be accessible to the point where people who come to the servers will be immediately sucked in to the world rather than to deal with a complicated interface and a shitload of different buttons they don't know how to use. THAT is what's ruining the immersion. A complete and simple tutorial that explains the basics of the game, the controls and the interface is absolutely necessary.
  6. JohnnyCockroach

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I want a T-shirt that says "Who's shooting in cherno???" But of those 2 number 2 is the greatest. I didnt survive the alpha :D
  7. JohnnyCockroach

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Use search. Most recent Change log
  8. JohnnyCockroach

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    The ones with a magnifying glass will search for clues and the ones with badges will chase the criminals. Or if the patch is shit it's just zombies approaching the smell of death.
  9. JohnnyCockroach

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    The game started out as a complete chaos and that's a good thing. What else can you expect from an apocalypse? You can't trust anyone now and you can't trust anyone after the bandit patch. You need to have friends you can trust, just like in real life. If you don't have any in DayZ you're pretty much screwed, but hey, it's pretty hard to survive an apocalypse alone anyway. You're expecting an approachable and balanced GAME, but that's now DayZ. DayZ is a cruel playground where everyone's a bully and your parents aren't there to protect you.