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About jesterz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. big thanks to Grekain1 for saving me at Rog today
  2. thanks to the team of Ourobus, Xalo, Walters, Pilikia, and Fameous for hooking me up. sorry if I butchered the names
  3. jesterz

    Anyone in California?

    I'm in Cali - let me know if anyone wants to play. I've got TS3 but no skype
  4. Shout out to Jon Herr for saving my tail.........
  5. Don Broken leg North of nova ...072067 Civilian clothes with ak US2857
  6. jesterz

    All servers unplayable

    I'm having this exact issue except no steam. how could you tell you had the firewall issue? or did you just try it and it worked?