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About Stary.Sobor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Stary.Sobor

    Tips for successfully being a medic?

    Haha !Sostronk coward ;) I'm not gonna add any more points here, just that I'm one of these "if unarmed, I dont take the shot" so if one day u run to me unarmed to gimme blood, I'll let u come brother ! [Edit] Howevar, one of my squad mate is a "I shoot everyone, no matter what" soooo.... Yeah like u all know, it's all about player's mind and the awckward fact is that you will find out until u hear bullets bursting the ground around you... Pretty risky job tovarish !!
  2. Stary.Sobor

    Number of possible chars?

    Sorry but that is bullshits :) Here you go :
  3. Exactly like me bro but no alice pack. No pack at all lol. But I just found a dead body with rangefinder, mk 48mod 0, nv goggles, coyote backpack, m24, gps haha, so I'm glad this happend to me. But last time it happend to me (1 month ago) I died twice and some day I "spawn in" the old character before the bug. So I think if it's the same, we both should get our character back any day lol. Hope I'd help you, Peace.
  4. Hey guys, I link u a video right below about our most epic loot evar :P