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About greengoblin

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  1. greengoblin

    How To: Survive the Coast

    If on the south coast i just walk North until I hit a road/path/town, form there I begin the process of looting everything in site, I never go "Rambo". Maybe I'm just lucky and not spawned opposite any campers.
  2. greengoblin

    bandit reports

    You have a map?
  3. Got any room for grizzled survivor from the south-west! Steam ID is green_goblin23!!
  4. greengoblin

    My top 10 list of new gameplay ideas.

    Flare gun and fireplaces sounds good to me, the flare gun would let you illuminate a small town for a good couple of minutes, maybe enough time for a sneaky survivor to find a comfy barn for the evening.
  5. greengoblin

    How do you survive as a lone wolf?

    In regards to surviving how would you guys recommend getting practice with various guns, for example the CZ550. I made the fun mistake of using a zed on the edge of town as practice, not only did i miss but i had to contend with a mini horde of 6 bearing down on me! That gun is loud!!
  6. greengoblin

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    Personally I'm not a fan of any kind of levelling, what I love now is that experience and equipment is what give you the edge in most situations. Death can be very frustrating but I don't think of it as a waste of the last x number of hours. Barricades would be a nice touch, whether to fortify from zeds or just safely light a fire while sat indoors out of the rain. In regards to progress I would like to be able to stash equipment without the need of a tent etc.
  7. greengoblin

    Looking for UK survivors.

    Hi all, started playing Saturday but have been playing ARMA2 since the OFP days. I'm in the UK, plan to be on most evenings and my Steam ID is http://steamcommunity.com/id/green_goblin23
  8. greengoblin

    Dayz-is it worth it

    I already owned ARMA2 Retail so purchased CO via steam Saturday, I already have 10+ hours and don't regret it!
  9. greengoblin

    Stashing Stuff?

    Any idea how dropped loot will last?
  10. I love Cherno, just need more building we can enter! So sad when I spot a lonely house in the hills but cant set up camp :(
  11. greengoblin

    Day Z Singleplayer - LINK INSIDE

    Thank you for the link!
  12. greengoblin

    What happens when you die ingame?

    The whole dead is dead is part of why I love this game and I'm sure plenty of other's will agree.