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1 Neutral

About AverageJoeGamer

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Michigan, United States
  1. AverageJoeGamer

    A newbie looking for a sidekick

    i've been looking for someone to survive with. my steam is emurray1324 and skype is mynamesemurray, i've been playin dayz for about 3 months and love it.
  2. AverageJoeGamer

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name:AverageJoeGamer Steam name:emurray1324 Age:15 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):Eastern Standard Time Mic:Tritton AX Pro 180 How long you've been playing:A week with enough watched gameplay for a month. Your preferred role and/or weapon:No preference, I could do whatever is needed. Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero):Survivor, 2500
  3. AverageJoeGamer

    Looking for someone new

    my steam is emurray1324 skype is mynamesemurray lets all group up sometime?
  4. AverageJoeGamer

    Survivor group Recruitment

    my skype is mynamesemurray
  5. AverageJoeGamer

    Looking for a group!

    hey since he isn't really active, if anyone would like to play today add me on steam: emurray1324 and message me. we can get a group going
  6. AverageJoeGamer

    Looking for a group!

    i just added both steam accounts, would you like to get started playing? i'm itchin to kill some zombies
  7. AverageJoeGamer

    Looking for a group!

    i've only played for about 2 days but i've watched like a week's worth of gameplay on it. steam is emurray1324, ign is AvKinq