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About RVizzle

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    Gaming(no brainer or I wouldn't be here, eh?) Metal fabrication, Used to be an avid reader but not so much anymore it cuts into my DayZ time ;)

    Cooking is another passion altogether.

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  • Bio
    Spent 4.5 years doing comm repair in USMC(1984-1988) Semper Fi! Have been fixing RVs almost ever since. I've been a True Grit clan member/admin for about 5 yrs now. Still play CS:S, CS:GO now too, along with my DayZ addiction.
  1. RVizzle

    file not Accepted???

    If you switch to DayZ Commander(I haven't used 6 in a looong time) there are 2 boxes on the right of the "settings" screen. One is "launch using steam", the other is "replace Arma2OA files with beta so Steam works" Perhaps this will help, maybe not. Good luck when you do get in. Stay alert, don't panic.
  2. RVizzle

    Hero skins.. Bandit skins..

    Debug monitor is there, you can bring it up in your game options...BUT...while it is onscreen, your indicators for food, drink, blood and temp are inop. they will remain green forever. Skins are here:http://www.dayzwiki....Bandits#Bandits
  3. RVizzle

    vehicle class UH1Y no longer exists.

    Go to your steam library and right click Arrowhead. Click "properties". Click "local files" tab, then "verify integrity of game cache". Do the same for Arma 2, I would.
  4. RVizzle

    Animals disappearing?

    As a Bob And Tom fan I nearly spit out my drink when I read this, well done.
  5. Ammo conversion was uneffected for my group, I have no convertable ammo to check myself but 2-3 other ppl said converting is still refilling partial mags. Almost forgot what Starry, Balota and Berezino looked like, GLITCHES BE GONE!(or very very minor, see through artifacting once in Cherno last night: anytime my crosshair on my rifle touched the firestation in any way. I could still see perfectly well through it but is was faint glitching) Well done, TEAM DayZ, much easier to deal with now. AMD 945 quad-core XFX hd5770 1GB w/latest drivers. 4GB ram
  6. RVizzle

    Why the radio silence?!?

    I think I read somewhere here in the forums that they were still getting graphic glitches with .3 also, so that needed to be worked out as well. Not sure on the dog progress. Can't wait to have this new feature. :D
  7. RVizzle

    primary weapon to weapon in bag

    Side note: pay attention to your magazine count also. If you have more mags for the one goin in the pack than what you have slots available the extra mags will be gone when you switch over. (IE: you have a DMR with 4 mags in pack and have a M4 with 6 mags as primary, you have no extra backpack slots while DMR is there. when you switch over you could lose the 2 extra M4 mags) I try and keep same mag count on both weapons or keep all ammo for both in main inventory to make the swap fool-proof. (IE: 4 DMR mags and 2 boxes MK48 in inventory)
  8. I too find the Commander's clock reading a bit screwy. My home server time is like 2.5 hrs off the time Commander says it is. If you still have problems finding the sun, (this is a double edged sword, of course) find a server with ppl in it. Most servers with less trhan 6-7 players are most likely dark. However the higher population increases your odds of running into other players instead of just Zed. I actually prefer to re-gear in the dark, with a flashlight. The zombies take no notice of your flashlight, as long as you crouch-walk/low crawl around them they will most likely not notice you. Ditching zombies when they do aggro is a bit more challenging, as you can't see where you're running to find a barn/building to ditch them in. Weaponless? Find a hatchet! Pretty easy to locate, one hit silent kill against zombies, and you can take one out from about 8-10 ft. Once you find one, right click it in your inventory and "remove from toolbelt", then reload it. You will need some extra bandages for this, cause it is inevitable you will take a hit from a zombie now and then. Happy hunting, stick with it, it gets easier as you get more used to the sneaking around the zombies. Be glad you started when you did, the zombies were much faster a cpl patches ago.
  9. We have found a few tents full of hacked gear(AS50TWS, satchels, g36c sd, soldier clothingx6, 9 mt dews lol, etc.) We have: 1. taken all items out tossed on the ground, saved tents. server restart: all is back like it was. 2. blown the tents to bits with the satchels after emptying and saving them, same effect. Not even the server owner can get rid of them. We have pretty much just made it part of our routine after a restart to blow them up and play on. I guess there is nothing more to do with them. Don't use/save/take hacked crap, it just makes you look bad in everyones mind.(yeah I know we are using hacked gear to blow up more hacked gear, but it does keep it out of circulation on the server)
  10. RVizzle

    Food Supplies

    I really like the "predatory animals" idea. The 'wilderness' needs to be a bit more threatening. My friends and I on TeamSpeak were talking bout this one night in-game. The animals could give a new layer of depth to the game because of the chance of giving away your position to other players dealing with them since there would be no outrunning them. They could have a chance of a weapon firing to scare them off or make them attack in some instances. Campfires could keep them at bay, but again will give away your position. Bears could have a chance of spawning every time an animal is gutted or a player/tent has an excessive (more than 4 pc) or raw meat in a tent or one their person. Random spawn points as normal animals have too whle players are travelling. They would not be restricted to just the wilderness as they do show up in towns quite a bit...... Wolves could be treated about the same and may be a bit easier to pull off since the dog already exists. They should be restricted to the wilderness(or anywhere there is not a zombie spawn/patrol area) as you don't see many reports of wolf packs terrorizing small towns. I think a pack of 5-9 wolves would scare me more than respawning in Cherno at night in a hi-pop server with nothing but a flashlight. Mountain lions would be an epic addition too. Imagine turning around to find a mountain lion creeping up on you in the night, or jumping you from that pile of rocks. Nearly instant death(perhaps the sound of you screaming then your neck breaking while a cat growls in your ear) and a ticket back to the coast is what you win.
  11. RVizzle

    Help with a Tent please?

    This has happened to me also. had no trouble using it for nearly 2 weeks then one day there was a branch draped over the corner I was using to get into the darn thing. Actually seemed like the tree grew bigger, lol. I ended up relocating to a different spot with another tent instead of fooling with it.
  12. MK48 would be the way to fly IMO since you have the silenced sidearm for zombie removal duties. 100rds, aimpoint scope, and hard hitting for those fools that try and come from behind you while on overwatch of your team. I do agree with the M14AIM for night duty though since you won't need extra ammo for another primary.
  13. RVizzle

    DayZ Joyriding

    :lol: LOL :lol:
  14. Have had fair enough luck with the update since I installed Monday @ lunch time. before update graphics glitches in all the normal spots(cherno, NW af, berezino, and stary) "flush" was no help, changing various graphic ssettings was but momentary relief. Was actually scared to update due to all the fouled spawn horror stories in this thread, losing this/that. Since the update to, have had 1 slight glitch in cherno for less than a cpl of seconds. Have not lost anything in over 15-20 logins. No random spawning anywhere but where I logged out. Have not tried to use a tent or found any veh. since I did update. tents I've found are gone next time I log in, so there's no point in wasting my effort on one, vehicles are to much trouble to fuss with most of the time.( too much to worry about hiding, maintaining). AMD phenom2 944 quad core 3.0 4gb ram HD5770 w/1GB ram latest arma patch