I agree with Mastiff, it's not that players want it to be daylight at night time, they simply want the same form of realism that the rest of the game offers. This game is barely at the beginning of it's life so we have forgiven the little things, like dead soldiers/barbed wire glitch and that you can't use everyday items as weapons and a whole list of other tiny things that bug us but don't really deter us from enjoying this amazing game. What does annoy me however is that the night wasn't this dark less than a week ago. It was still harder to see than daytime and harder to navigate but still enjoyable because you could get things done without having to crawl around everywhere because the moment you stood up zombies were on you before you could yell "Damn it, I meant Z not C!". I would just like to see it changed to what it was before because honestly, it was realistic.