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About DanLatt

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    On the Coast
  1. DanLatt

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    We'll be happy when snipers aren't nerfed because others can't handle it. Snipers shouldn't be punished because they are good shots. If someone goes onto the Silo on Cherno. They deserve to be killed. If someone goes into open space near anything important. They deserve to be killed. These players just need to learn from their mistakes instead of punishing the people with snipers because of their own stupidity.
  2. DanLatt

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    The fog is absolutely ridiculous, I've recently gotten 'good' at the game. You know, being able to find good stuff and navigate around the map in no time. So I finally decide to use a sniper and I have this fog in my face the whole time. Every server, every time of the day. I get the idea that they want to make it 'balanced' but guess what, it's meant to be a realistic game. There isn't that much fog 24/7 and snipers should be able to snipe from 1km+ if they please. This game shouldn't be balanced, real snipers can be 1km+ and they can kill you one shot. It makes no sense, I don't care if someone is new to the game. They should know what they're getting into before buying the game.