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About IIWuss

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. We have admins on daily to take your feed back and opinions. We are also here to help if it is needed. If you like playing with the JSRS Sound mod enabled this is the server to play on!
  2. In-game Name: Wuss Steam name: Wuss5150 Age: 25 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): CST Mic: Yes How long you've been playing: One week and I have the controls mastered Your preferred role and/or weapon: Sniper/support, I prefer a M16 or M4A1 Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor Any additional details about yourself you may want to include: I have taken training classes on clearing rooms with a squad and by myself. Training in handguns and assault rifles. I was trained by ex-military but I am not in the military. I play games seriously and competitively but my main goal while playing is to have fun!
  3. IIWuss

    Starting a small, proper squad.

    Hey, I'm still sort of new to dayz. I've been playing about a week now and I have the controls and gameplay down pretty well. I'm 25, male, and live in Missori I usually get on about 4pm cst and play for a couple hours during the week as well as a couple hours at 930pm or 10. I play on the weekends mostly if I don't have a lot of house work to do. I'm really looking for a squad to have a little more fun playing this game. I can fill whatever role I'm needed in. Currently I have to start a new character since I was killed by bandits while I was looking at a map on a website. Couple of motorcycle bandits found me laying in a bush and I got back to my controls right when they were on top of me. Message me If your interested and I'll try to reach you on Skype when I get home for lunch.