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Everything posted by Olisonera
Try going prone and crawling. It's slow, though, and you become less zombie bait and more bandit fodder. As previously mentioned, sometimes its better just to run in. Choose paths that take you through buildings with multiple exits. It's unlikely you'd survive getting cornered in a barracks... ATC towers should also be avoided, the zombies know that the ladder is there...
What Have you Expected DayZ to be?
Olisonera replied to Goreman's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I expected a sand-box survival game with zombies and bandits, but to be honest I was hoping for less bandits. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there are bandits, but when I first started playing they were out of control and every encounter I had with other players resulted in my no-questions-asked death.... Which broke my heart a little.... :'( But now it's becoming more like what I had hoped for, people are more willing to trust a dude and this has resulted in some of my most memorable gaming experiences. -
Meh, folk that D/C in combat... They'll do it... Just gotta accept that they're out there just as they've gotta accept folk like you are out there. Just pretend they was got by Zs and thats why you didn't get the kill and be happy that they'll die eventually. Perhaps Karma or the fairies will get them with a door for you.
I like the idea of only getting "bits" of map. Maps as up-to-date as the ones in DayZ are somewhat rare in the real world (out side of the military, and only if they're interested in the area). The maps we use in the emergency services here in west oz are about 27 years old. Though they are highly detailed, they no longer accurately represent the world we operate in, and using them effectively requires a great deal of map reading experience. They're also made with military/disaster response in mind, so they show things like topography and terrain details like bushland and wetland but minor streets and insignificant landmarks are left out. I think it would be awesome if the maps in the SA more resemble local street directories or area maps, requiring several pieces before a more detailed map of the larger area can be made. They should also do away with the zoom and have a scale, so you need to measure distance with a ruler (There should be one on the compass) Another thing that would be awesome is if the GPS isn't so reliable. Civillian GPS systems, particularly cheap ones, often aren't as accurate as they claim. They eat battery power like it's nothing and sometimes they take forever to locate the satellites. (Which is why we prefer to use innaccurate, 27 year old maps). They are handy for placing waypoints, though, and this should really only be possible with a GPS.
Tell me your stupidest death stories...
Olisonera replied to Matteh's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
No server restart for about a week meant much needed supplies in this Takistani hell-hole had dwindled to the point where we were legging it across the entire map to loot villages so insignificant they lack names (Coz the vehicle spawns are broken, too)... I was prone on a cliff overlooking one such village. I had been through about two others prior to finding this one. Even though they were way out of the way, they had been picked clean and I was constantly encountering dead survivors (or their flies, at least). I figured the lack or fresh supplies was forcing the usually live-and-let-live groups to raid the same areas at the same time, leading to skirmishes and other acts of conflict. Not wanting to get caught up in such a situation I opted to lone-wolf for supplies at night. I was being extra careful, spending a great deal of time observing the village and the occupants and planning my raid. Through my binoculars I saw a tent, still in its bag atop a small building. I decided that setting up a new supply post in this remote part of Takistan would be beneficial to our cause (read: we have no cause). Target aquired, plan planned and all ready to go, I hit B to put my binoculars away, but I also feel my finger graze another key. I look down......... The key was V....... I look back up in time to see my dude stand straight up and vault over the edge of the cliff....... Moron...... I re-spawned miles away, but promptly obtain a map and sprint back to where I died... By the time I get there the village is alight with flares, but the tent is still there. I sneak in without much concern for stealth. All I want is a tent. I make it to the building and climb up. The tent is mine, as well as some smoke grenades... I hear a Makarov fire and go prone. three survivors are clearing a three story building. From what I can see, they're barely armed and there are zombies everywhere, just chillin'... I lob the grenade at the building and all the zombies in town freak out and run straight there. The three dudes panic and head for various exits, all of which are full of blocked by the frenzied ferals... I lol and gaffaw at my briliance and observe their final stand fail. Before the last one falls, he spots me on the roof and fires a single 303 round into my face... I lost the tent, but it was worth it. We all respawn, trade our stories in side chat and were merry. -
Tell me your stupidest death stories...
Olisonera replied to Matteh's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I threw a smoke grenade... Not far enough... As soon as I was standing I got a 1 hit broken legs combo done on me. Good thing I was only geared up with my "This won't end well" load-out. -
I want real hordes of zombies
Olisonera replied to snake pliskin's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I want some lego. Not like the new stuff they have now that's uber specific to a single theme but regular lego that you could make almost any model you wanted... So damn expensive, though : (. . -
What is the best map on dayZ?
Olisonera replied to Mother Phuftbucket's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm quite partial to Takistan and Fallujah. I prefer Fallujah though, because it's basically one huge city. Doesn't have tall skyscrapers or a vast degree of variety but it's a proper feat to survive longer than a few days -
DayZ Fallujah has indeed been done, you can find it easy enough using DayZ Commander. I quite like it.
The Chernarus map is only a small part of the whole of Chernarus, why not a small part of Australia... Tasmania, perhaps? ... Actually, I think there is a Tasmania map on Armaholic, and they got the ANZAC and AAW mods there too!
Heh heh, true... But what if the Australian wildlife became zombified... Imagine - if you will - a Zombie Bungarra or Frilled-Neck Lizard charging at you on it's hind legs with its mouth a-gape making that hissing noise that they do... That would be a whole new level of fear...
I want a zombie apocalypse game based in Australia. Zombie aussies and zombie aussie wildlife... Imagine getting attacked by zombie Bogans and all you got is a .223 and a machete... No military loot lyin' around...nothing to drink but Emu Export... ... ... Good times XD
Maaan that sucks. But that's DayZ for you, I guess... Look at it this way... Historically, any wound inflicted by a zombie that breaks the skin generally results in death, such is the nature of the zombie virus. Better luck to you, though! May these beans ease your woes
You want an archenemy? ... That can be arranged, you just need to change your name to John Connor...
DayZ SA: One Key One Character
Olisonera replied to DemonGroover's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Sounds like a good idea, but there's a game I like to play which I call "John Connor Chasey", where me and a few others change our names to T-888 Terminator and log onto a server which has a player called 'John Connor' (There's usually a few) and proceed to hunt them down shouting "Where's JAHN CAHNNAH" into direct chat whenever we find a survivor. Having only one name would end this shenanigan.- 77 replies
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What is Your First Instinctive Reaction When Spotting a Player?
Olisonera replied to DemonGroover's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Depends on the situation: If I am, was recently or moving to support allies in a combat situation I engage all unknowns on site, even fresh spawns. War is hell, collateral damage is inevitable. It's entirely possible an unarmed, newly spawned person is acting as a scout or informant for our enemies. If I see a sniper or other such person camping somewhere I announce their location to the team and we concoct hilarious plans to f**k with them If I see a player new to the game I let them join up with us for a while. Sometimes they join our group or become allies. Most other folk I simply observe and disregard. -
If you could put your chosen gear in the standalone...?
Olisonera replied to Rage VG's topic in New Player Discussion
A warm black trenchcoat... Or Mad Max's leather armour... and his car... -
Kudos to you! last I checked my Cherno survivor was 56, but that was a while ago, now... I have a similar view of this game, in that its a measure of how long you can survive, rather than how quickly you can get kitted up or how many firefights you participate in. For me, the challenge is in remaining undetected. I have encountered many people, but most of them haven't encountered me. ; ).
... Go to the back wall and open it...
I killed what appeared to be a fresh spawn today. I felt bad for him but I didn't regret it. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Allow me... I had logged into my new 'home' server and spawned at our Lingor Island base to find it had been raided, and the clan was out searching for the culprits. I was tasked to meet with another clansman and check the area around Benio for evidence of rival clan activity. We made our way there and swept the area to find little of note. As we proceeded back towards the main island we heard a car. A quick check through teamspeak confirms its none of us, but likely one of our vehicles... So my collegue and I set up a hasty ambush. We allow the vehicle to pass by us into Benio. Theres only one road in and out, so they'd be coming back at us shortly. We wait for a few minutes and sure enough, here they come. We hold fire until they're good and close and then light it up. Our mission is revenge, not retrieve. To be honest, the vehicle didn't mean much to us... We will get more... We scored a few good hits and perhaps even caused an injury or two, but the driver was quite wiley, and managed to get past us. We report the result of the ambush and proceed after it (indirectly) on foot. About a minute into our pursuit I spot an unarmed individual coming towards us. He didn't seem a threat but we had just engaged a group who had fled in this-ish direction. I had to consider the possibility that this fellow might be some sort of bait or distraction, perhaps even an enemy informant. As I said at the start, wrong place wrong time. I opened fire and killed him. As soon as I saw his death message we were back on task. A few seconds later he wrote in side-chat "What did you get out of killing me? A box of pain-killers?" I understand what he must have felt. Getting gunned down at the start of the game sucks hard. I do apologize for this action but again, I don't regret it. We're at war, and we aim to win it. Folk are gonna get gunned down simply for 'being there', it's the nature of the game... So dude, if you read this, sorry if i pissed you off or made you lose faith in the 'good' folk that play DayZ. Under different circumstances we probably would have helped you out or let you tag along. If/when I need to use your painkillers, I'll spare a thought for you. Cheers, random dude.
Play DayZ blindfolded... That'll challenge you. Be a blind survivor and inspire the rest of us!
Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions
Olisonera replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
A letherman... Hunting knife and toolbox in one... Does both tasks less effectively, saves on inventory space... Batteries... Power your gear, spare ones take up inventory space. Can be sacrificed to create fire. -
Rare... Almost useless... You should take the makarovs...
Mudmaps are a genius idea. It would be a huge strategic FUBAR should another group come into posession of intel regarding your own groups movements and observations. If you play on servers with competative groups this could be lots of fun. Alternatevly, they could make it so the information and markers you put on your own map isn't viewable by everyone else who has a map. In order to get your map info they'd have to kill you and take it or let you copy the info onto their map yourself.
FN FAL the best all rounder?
Olisonera replied to BuzzBurridge's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm all about whatever gun I have ammo for. I'm one of those folk who can't ignore my 'real world' logic when I'm playing games and watching movies (Which makes me really annoying, apparently). When it comes time for PvP I lay down the fire so the crew can move in and take the kill. Any loud, rapid fire weapon works for this. I have developed a preference towards the AKM, though.... Sorry FN FAL :(