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About BluBH

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    On the Coast
  1. I admit, I did something horribly wrong, I joined their server while they wanted to loot and not be bothered, on top of that I also found a bike and took it offroad. Can you believe that? I didn't stick to the roads, the humanity...
  2. BluBH

    Overheating issue

    Seems to me like you need to use some canned air and blast out all the dust.
  3. Looking at your recent posts you are obviously a troll so my answer is "Yes, it is absolutely the only server I can play on!".
  4. Server Name: DE 1306 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) [REGULAR][GMT-2] dayzmod.com - hosted by NO PVP OR BAN GERMAN SURVIVORS dayzmod.com (Your) Timezone: GMT+2 Date/Time: 16/08/2012 ~17:00 Server Administrator('s): No clue, it must be one of the guys on there at the time. In the evidence I'll include screenshots of who was there. What happened: They advertise their server as being a NO PVP server. Upon joining they also threaten they will not only ban you when you DO pvp but also kill you. The translation from German says: "If you pvp you will be punished with a kill+ban" When I joined I was also randomly kicked twice, no reason weas given. After that I just went ahead and found a different server. The server did not appear to be in maintenance mode as it had about 6 people on it at all time. I can only assume they don't want to be killed while looting. Evidence/Proof: People on the server #1 + 'welcome' message: http://i.imgur.com/ldaQw.jpg Scoreboard + server name: http://i.imgur.com/kk9CL.jpg Kicked #1: http://i.imgur.com/aAuEO.jpg Kicked #2: http://i.imgur.com/mQQjv.jpg People on the server #2: http://i.imgur.com/QPqPC.jpg (edited out GUIDs)