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Everything posted by Treg

  1. Looking for belgian people to play with. We are a group of two with a camp and many good gear. Going from assault rifles to m107's. Playing on LU413 our own server... Mr.Starck.be on steam..
  2. Ok, flemish is fine...native speaking.. Dus: de server is hosted op IP: mumble server is ook on... time zone UTC+9 we spelen vooral vanaf 20u..
  3. When i was playing a our server i saw a survivor running away from a couple of zombies i decide to help the person. Killing the zombies behind, after the killing he didnt noticed me. 1 min later his friend killed me with a crossbow. So in my opinion kill or be killed. I'm going to roll as a bandit. #crap (but i was able to pick my gear up)
  4. There is something in the grass... W33D
  5. If I am protecting my friend. I am shooting people. Can't wait for him to pick his gear up when he needs te respawn.
  6. Treg

    Have I muted direct chat?

    It makes sound...but maybe it's a muted tree.. B)
  7. Contact me at Mumble server Or steam nick: Treg
  8. LU413 is you want, ... Voice server on (mumble client)
  9. Not sure about vehicles, because we lost our Truck. Which was putted completely north-east of the 225² map... between a lot of trees next to our tents which were completly full. Tents ok. Vehicles not sure.
  10. Treg

    Have I muted direct chat?

    If you press "P" in game and select the player who is speaking(click unmute), can't you hear him?
  11. Topic says it all, any one playing on this server? I think it's in time zone UTC -3.. Sometimes it has a lot players sometimes it hasn't. Survivors I have meet on the server were friendly...
  12. Treg


    I have a lot of humanity... Damn, tonight I'm going to kil survivors.
  13. Treg

    Average life expectancy

    Guess it has nothing to do with my mate. He is dieing a lot ! o.O
  14. Hate people who are putting ALT + F4 when something is going to happen. Just wait... It will be fine after it's away.
  15. Treg

    Teleported on login

    Usefull information the same issue another day. The provided solution did work... Running can be a pain B)
  16. Maybe not a fix but worth a try. Reboot the server once again. The tent will be back (on my server it was) After the tent came back picked it up looted all the gear with a mate ingame. Reboot the server once again, and the tent was there again. End of conclusion, rebooting server and saving tents/picking them up again, got us an extra one... o.O
  17. Dear, currently there are know issues with old camping tents, when the server reboots it could be the tent is gone! After a second reboot the tent is back, on my server, with all supplies. (patch So needs 2 reboots to get it back. Just to inform you. Kind regards,..
  18. I also ordered a server but when I login to the Vilayer ACP there is no Game service, the strange thing is 1 hour after paying the order it was there. And now it isn't any more. Support ticket is still not answered....