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Everything posted by Sulii

  1. Double Tap host a 40 slot server and are looking for more players to come join us. The server is FAST (load times around 5 seconds[ Clans are welcome, we would love to have a rival clan on the server for some competition! : US 638 IP: Password: zombies (not currently in use due to lack of players) Information Slots: 40 Hive code: BlissHive 3rd On | CH On | Waypoints On | Nametags Off | Side Chat On Time zone: GMT-0 Vehicles and tent inventory work and save Server is hosted in Dallas Server is part of Elpis Host's hive network There are 5 experienced Admins. They have the tag [DT] You wont be kicked and banned for killing admins or stealing our stuff Rules No hacking. Logs are checked every day No using a mic in Side channel. Text only Alt+F4 will net you a 24 hour ban We try to give 10min notice before a server reset but sometimes hackers mess stuff up and we need to take it down asap.
  2. Im no longer monitoring this thread so hit up King Sob or Aussiestig if you have questions Fed up with hackers so im not playing again until standalone </3
  3. So we had like 20 hackers on tonight, and its getting beyond ridiculous, had to put the password back on its in the first post.
  4. My favourite part of this whole thing is how we are doing this because you "kicked our ass as a clan", when have you even attempted to engage us in a clan battle.....never, and even with you duping non-stop (we saw tallahasee last night duping his body like 4 times) you STILL have horrible stuff. Name one aspect of this game that you "kicked our ass as a clan" at. One. You're banned because A: You scripted B: You're super immature about it spamming this thread and my inbox, even after being given another chance (whats this like your fifth one?). Walk it off kiddos, find a new server.
  5. Wow the level of idiot from these children is amazing, can we just ban them again and be done with it, il put Admin ban (annoying child) in the bans file. My god you're an entitled little @#!^ nick, i feel sorry for your parents. " 7. Please just stop. How did we fuck it up? Lol. Were not hacking. And be aware. Hacking is like changing the code of the computer that the server runs from. We don't have common access to the computer location unfortunatley. So that point is invalid. " This actually gave me a good laugh, thanks.
  6. To prove something you actually need PROOF You were kicked and banned after MULTIPLE warnings - You had hacked items in your load out which DO NOT spawn on this server which was enough for me to be honest, im sick of wasting my time on you children. As stated we have a zero tolerance policy on hacking and you were warned two days ago that you were being closely watched, as 3 of your clan members were already banned for script injections. Dont use hacked items if you dont want to get banned. 19:29:48 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "60394950" Obi-wan Kenobi 19:29:48 ["",false,"4921",[],[["ItemMap","ItemWatch","ItemToolbox","ItemKnife","ItemHatchet","ItemMatchbox","Binocular","FN_FAL","NVGoggles","ItemFlashlight","glock17_EP1","ItemRadio" 21:00:50 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "47275398" Tallahassee" 21:00:50 ["",false,"5357",[],[["ItemMatchbox","Binocular","ItemCompass","ItemEtool","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemGPS","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemMap","NVGoggles","ItemRadio" "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "46541574" Andrew" 22:27:01 ["",false,"2850",[],[["ItemHatchet","ItemMatchbox","Binocular","ItemKnife","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemWatch","ItemFlashlight","NVGoggles","ItemFlashlightRed","Colt1911","ItemRadio", 0:44:11 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "39702918" Jar Jar Binks" 0:44:11 ["",false,"4231",[],[["ItemKnife","ItemToolbox","ItemHatchet","ItemWatch","ItemMap","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemEtool","NVGoggles","ItemMatchbox","ItemFlashlight","ItemCompass","ItemGPS","M9SD","Binocular_Vector", "ItemRadio" Yoda was not banned ([DzB] Rex - they used new names today to try to avoid our watchful eye) as he was the only one of you not using hacked in items. We are perfectly clan friendly, you are not a clan, you are a group of script kiddies who's only "clan" activity is hacking on our server REPEATEDLY while we sleep. Have a nice day :)
  7. refer to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/94894-double-tap-australianus-elpis-hosted-bliss-hive-veteran-52-vehicles-3-uh-1h-password/
  8. We had 35 players on at peak last night, starting to get a bit of a community cheeky bum-p
  9. Found this one out on my 2nd day of playing, mustve saved me hours of running time haha
  10. I saw a crash site with 3 AN/PVS FAL's and 1 regular yesterday, its really not that rare OR good as the scope is completely useless in the daytime, id go the AKM any day over it
  11. All our clan tents and vehicles are saving properly so not sure what your issue is, my guess is someone knocked off your stuff...
  12. Bumping for more players! Server is very fast, runs smooth works perfectly just need more people!
  13. There are 52 vehicles, around 45 unclaimed by us so yea theres a few hehe
  14. Topic pretty much says it, after a week of not dying i got flanked by 3 guys today and lost my SAW / m107 it opened my eyes to the safety a squad brings to this game, so im looking for one! Not much gear but im collecting again already. I like to play cautious and patiently, i enjoy being stealthy and sneaking up on people :) 23 yrs old, australian, i play most nights on aus/nz servers and im not afraid of the dark, send me a message or add me on skype at: sullyo123
  15. We have had a few people trying to connect via DayZ Commander being unable to connect, try using the remote login via arma
  16. There is a chopper at DEVILS CASTLE, it needs repairs... who will claim it i wonder..?
  17. bumping as we are on a new server now after some host issues, any gear obtained on US 571 will still be on your character on US 638!
  18. The second chopper is flying around, not sure if anyone "owns" it....you could always try to take it
  19. Sulii

    Australian Clan [SASR]

    hey im interested in joining, steamid: sulii12 current loadout: DMR+lots of ammo for long range, m14 AIM for zombies/if players get too close - NVGs, gps, coyote backpack most of the bells and whistles age:23 playstyle:currently i play alone mostly so im really cautious trying to avoid bandit groups who want to rape me and steal my precious beans, which is fairly easy to do playing at night with NVGs