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Posts posted by Codza71

  1. Sadly stats attract cheats and this game has its fair share without that atm. Have a look at any popular game that runs Stats i.e COD, BF etc.

    Its one of the main reasons that people cheat and hack in online gaming cause they wanna feel like they are better than the rest, look at me I have a better KDR than you blah blah. Winning at something is a great feeling but sadly some people will do what it takes to be No.1 to raise their own self esteem and that is when the cheating comes in.

    It happens in anything that creates competition, whether it be gaming,sport and so on. I'd personally rather games in general got rid of stats altogether and just focused more on the experience playing a game on your own or with your mates.

  2. Last I checked and heard was that Rocket was actually being employed by BIS? So as a direct representative of the company and with DayZ being his brainchild, is he not a legitimate person to complain to? Even if you think we are complaining to the wrong people, are they really the wrong people if the right people hear our complaints in the end? I don't think so. Considering the amount of responses we've gotten from the devs about this issue, it doesn't seem like they're getting bogged down by reading what we are saying.

    I don't think the point of any of these posts or threads is to place blame on anyone or thing, but these forums are a place for players to voice their frustrations about things that are wrong with the game whether its mechanics or hackers, which is exactly what we are doing.

    No need to go around calling people "selfish" or "little kids" because we want things fixed. BIS has made, probably, tens of millions of dollars off this mod and they stand to make millions more. Is it too much to ask them to make a few changes? No. Can they afford to make some changes with the new windfall from DayZ? Yes. Will they lose millions in potential profits if things aren't fixed quickly? Yes. Its in their interest to fix things ASAP. I don't know much about networking or coding. I can appreciate that its very difficult and intricate and takes time. I don't think most people, myself included, expect a miracle fix by tomorrow, but I don't think some sort of official response to these posts is asking too much, especially considering the volume and deteriorating game conditions.

    Anyway, DayZ is a very unique and fun game. I've never played anything like it before and considering its popularity after being around for only a short time, I think its safe to say that other people feel the same way. Competitors and imitators are watching (War Z) and developing their own versions of the DayZ idea. Its Rocket's and BIS' game to lose if they dont listen to the community.

    Again, I'm not here to flame Rocket, the developers, or BIS, but BIS operates in the business world where the first person to adapt to change wins. If they dont change and adapt, then someone else will come along and make a DayZ without hackers and cheaters and BIS will be sad.

    One of the best posts i've read in this whole thread with a true sense of business knowledge involved.

    I've been away working for the last month or so and it looks like I've missed nothing as I can't see myself joining a game anytime soon either with all the Hacking that seems to be going on.

    To the people that are saying its still Alpha yes I agree to a point. The minute people start hosting servers and Clans and individuals start paying for them their selves it is no longer a free game and all that goes out the window as they are now paying and it is no longer a free product and they have their right to complain.

    Something needs to be done. What, I have NFI but lets hope its not that far away as this game will die.

    I know its not gonna be easy for Rocket and the rest of his crew, some info as to what they are up against with the ARMA engine below.

    The Arma engine is and was always going to be an issue with scripting as it was designed that way so the community could build and create all sorts of stuff to enjoy in their own private missions, Have a look here for those that have never played any ARMA other than DayZ. These were all created by somebody scripting or modding using the ARMA engine for what it was originally designed for. Community input.
