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Houdini 2-0

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Everything posted by Houdini 2-0

  1. Houdini 2-0

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    Noooooo!!!! Gutted the servers have gone down!!! Torndeco you run the best servers I have ever played on and have made some great friends too, me and my English friend now have a clan with dutch, Norwegian and Swedish members. My in game name is '[NWA] Houdini Harden' and me and the rest of my clan would like to thank you for the super smooth hacker free servers you had going. Awesome job and really hope you put them back up! They were the best!!! Thanks again Torndeco, LEGEND!
  2. Houdini 2-0

    Looking for a team of 4 or 5

    Hey, I would be interested in Teaming Up with some fellow survivors. I am currently playing alone pretty much as my buddy had gone to play 'Guild Wars 2' Meh, Anyway I have an ATV, and a V3S Ural if you fancy joining up with me. I play on a UK server but we can discuss details if interested via Skype. I'm 25, English and like to play fairly seriously/realistically and not be a spawn killing idiot. I tend to try and avoid contact with other armed survivors unless they are a bandit, in which case I put a round through their Head! Skype Name: Houdini Harden Arma 2/DayZ Name: Houdini Harden Steam Name: Houdini Harden Sorry don't know why it posted twice! My Bad!
  3. Houdini 2-0

    Looking for a team of 4 or 5

    Hey, I would be interested in Teaming Up with some fellow survivors. I am currently playing alone pretty much as my buddy had gone to play 'Guild Wars 2' Meh, Anyway I have an ATV, and a V3S Ural if you fancy joining up with me. I play on a UK server but we can discuss details if interested via Skype. I'm 25, English and like to play fairly seriously/realistically and not be a spawn killing idiot. I tend to try and avoid contact with other armed survivors unless they are a bandit, in which case I put a round through their Head! Skype Name: Houdini Harden Arma 2/DayZ Name: Houdini Harden
  4. Houdini's Idea Sharing I really am enjoying this mod and I for one, am very grateful for the work that has been done so far by Rocket and his team. I really appreciate how committed Rocket is himself to us, the fanbase. He and his team DO LISTEN to what we have to say and because of that fact we can help to shape the face of the game and things to come. I know that Rocket is in charge and makes the FINAL decision with regards to the game and that not every idea is going to be picked up on for whatever reason, whether it be Hardware or Software related or indeed the fact that it could just be utter Shite! I am Beginning a Degree in 'Computer Game Technology' in September at Portsmouth University. I love gaming and getting involved with others whom share my passion. I could quite easily sit in a room all day full of like minded people and throw ideas around about game concepts, mods, expansions and anything else vaguely relating to gaming! So to build upon this I wish to share some ideas with you Rocket and the rest of the DayZ community. Some of my ideas may seem outrageous or garbage. Some I will elaborate on quite a lot and other I will just put out there for the rest of you to feed on and let your creative juices flow! I DON'T TAKE CREDIT FOR THESE IDEAS! Some of these ideas may have been shared before but I am no god! I do not know of every idea ever thought of for this game, so please excuse me if they have already been discussed elsewhere or before! Right then, whether you agree with an idea or concept please feel free to share you thought's, I don't mean by raging but by communicating! If you like an idea but feel it could be expanded or elaborated on feel free to share your thoughts! Same goes for the opposite, if you don't like an idea say so, but don't rage about it, be constructive and state how you think it could be done or why it perhaps wouldn't work. This way we can 'Work Together' in giving Rocket some 'Food For Thought' with regards to future development and what may lie ahead for DayZ! To begin with I am going to fire off a couple of ideas that all are welcome to discuss and debate on and I hope that this thread is well read and that ideas are shared and communicated in a mature manner! If the thread seems to be quite popular then I will bring some more crumbs to the table same time next week folks! Enjoi... Week One - Emphasis on Teamwork, Communication and Transport 1) Team & Squad There are many tools available to survivors in DayZ, however with groups of players using other programs to communicate , such as Skype for example, it would be an idea to integrate some form of 'Team comms' within the game. By this I don't mean just the current communication channels available no sir! I mean some form of 'Radio' System on your person to allow players playing in groups, and other survivors on their own, to communicate and organise raids and send out an SOS's ect 'IN GAME' through means of your characters equipment. I feel it can seem rather 'cheap' to use things such as Skype to communicate and It would be an interesting concept to have some form of Radio Equipment available to the player. Whether a single radio format or several ie: A simple walkie talkie to advanced military comms allowing channels with even some form of protection and coding. With the use of the simple walkie talkie players would be able scan channels and pick up on other chatter within the game world and or region of the map. this could in time perhaps lead to more collaboration between players reducing the friction caused by face to face encounters.... With the use of the more military grade comms some form of system could be introduced to allow players to 'Hack' another factions communications (in game via some form of 'Mini Game'). Thus leading to a new 'Class', the radioman, who is skilled at using comms and hacking other factions comms and finding distress signals ect. 2) Vehicle Spawns Currently I am not a huge fan of the spawn system or the amount with regards to vehicles in DayZ. Perhaps a system more in line with the Heli Crash Site's would be an idea? With vehicle's being available in more places and being more 'Randomly' placed. My reasoning for this is simple, Clan's or big groups 'Horde' up and collect all vehicles on many servers, and the simple fact is Chernarus is Bloody Massive! Running everywhere is not why I play the game, nor is it what makes it fun! I know it's part of the game and I don't want it so that everyone has a car and never needs to walk again! But perhaps a change or small increase in this regard would serve to make the game more enjoyable! Again another small concept branching off here would be the 'Class' idea again, this time being 'Mechanic'. Perhaps it would be a thought to have some players be able to be more skilled at repairing vehicles ect (How this could be done? I leave to you to discuss!).To make this 'Class' viable vehicles could be made to be more prone to breakdown? Overheated Radiator? Flat Tyre? ect ect? Food For Thought? 3) Medic? Doctor? Right this Idea I am sure has already been debated about MUCH before! But in line with the other two ideas and this class idea I seem to have adopted, I thought we could get some Ideas going on this too! My main idea with this would perhaps be better remedies for those who are in the 'Medic' Class, Eg a survivor administers a blood pack to another player who has 4500 blood. After the transfusion their blood only rises to 8000? 9000? 10000? say? whereas a medic applying a blood pack could get the survivor back to peak condition at 12000 Blood? Perhaps broken legs could take time to heal, medics could administer first aid and fix them up with a splint to get them back on their feet asap with a small heal time and minimal movement penalty. Without a medic, the procedure could be done by another survivor but would take longer to administer the first aid and they would walk with a limp or hobble for a longer period of time in the game with a slightly larger movement penalty. 3-5 'In game' Hours perhaps? before they are fully fit again. They could also seek medical attention also prior to the conclusion of the natural healing time if they were not patched up by a Medic originally. Perhaps via Idea 1), using the walkie talkie they could sent out an SOS in search of a medic? Right I think I am done for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post and I look forwards to hearing your ideas with regard to the concepts stated above. As I said before these Ideas may have already been discussed and I take no credit for posting them here! I simply wish to share these thoughts and ideas with you! Peace out and I'll see you in Cherno...
  5. Houdini 2-0

    DayZ - Houdini's Idea Sharing

    Indeed there is no way you could stop people. However if the game had incentives to use in game comms to make the game more immersive would people not at least give them a go? I Love playing DayZ myself because it has a more of a 'Simulator' feel compared with something like Left 4 Dead, and as such I try to play it this way. Sure I use Skype but if this system was implemented it would 100% give it a go! wouldn't you? The fact that you don't speak English is also pretty cool actually! I mean if an English speaking team gained access to the channel you were using in game and heard another language it would be pretty awesome! Perhaps they could not understand you but maybe they could 'Track' the signal and find your location! Think of the tension if they found you and all hell broke loose in two different languages! All that yelling and shouting and probably ending in a firefight like some sort of Mexican stand off! Would be tense, get you heart racing and the Adrenaline pumping! Would that not interest you? Again thanks for making the point that people could use external sources to communicated but if their is really no other option? At least with this concept it gives people the choice! ;)
  6. Houdini 2-0

    DayZ - Houdini's Idea Sharing

    Prez, Perhaps you indeed make a good point! But like I said Its just an Idea? This could be reduced to just and hour? or less? but I think it would just 'Add' to the Horror of the experience and make it more immersive giving the player more to think about, this perhaps may be too much for newer players but for those more experienced, I think they would really enjoy it. Many players die often when they respawn, because either they are new to the game or they risk going into Cherno/Electro to get some decent 'Starter Loot'. However when and if you can get past this stage and end up further up north having a lower time for the more hardcore players seems cheap? Perhaps it could be implemented to the Server whereby the Host can decide how long. Vet servers may opt for longer with Regular/Recruit having lower heal times? Anyway thanks for the reply! You Make a very Valid Point Prez! ;)