This is somewhat a game killer at the moment, in two ways. As mentioned above people from the otherside of the world try to jump on servers on the otherside of the world and crash the servers with high ping. This happened this morning. And the game isn't all that fun to play in the dark, i have to wait until my next day off or get up very early in the morning to play it when its day time ingame. Sure it has some added tension and danger playing at night, but until i find a torch or night vision googles, im going to avoid it. I can't see why not have a fast time option in place and for the server names to reflect which time mode is employed. I remember this was in a Warfare mod and worked quite well. Another idea is altering the level of darkness somewhat, so that the players eyes adjust to the dark sort of thing, a limited field of view but able to make out things. And bright lights can affect the eyes like in real life temporary blinding you if you look directly at the light. (Perhaps a flashlight could temporary blind an bandit if hes too close) Perhaps just simply adding a torch as part of the default kit when starting out. Limit the e battery life to a few hours in game use, extended if player switches it off of course. Which will add the need to find fresh batteries or a new torch as another resource to gather. Maybe some torches are more powerful than others. And some smaller ones can be fitted to a weapon?