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Everything posted by Bitzieee

  1. Hey, I've been playing DayZ for months with different squads, been very successful. My group of friends just stopped and I'm wanting to get back on tracks. Any existing squads or just a couple of friends or even a guy by himself. You must be VERY experienced at DayZ and shooting. My aim is to join a team on a private hive, start off fresh and just make it to the top being the biggest bandits we can killing anyone we come across. I hope you like the sound of it. Just drop me a message either here or on skype. Skype name: tomo.francis
  2. Hey, I've been playing DayZ for months with different squads, been very successful. My group of friends just stopped and I'm wanting to get back on tracks. Any existing squads or just a couple of friends or even a guy by himself. You must be VERY experienced at DayZ and shooting. My aim is to join a team on a private hive, start off fresh and just make it to the top being the biggest bandits we can killing anyone we come across. I hope you like the sound of it. Just drop me a message either here or on skype. Skype name: tomo.francis
  3. Who says bandits die? I've had 80+ kills on a like 30 day character before
  4. Bitzieee

    Ok So I Want A Bandit Squad :/

    Unfortunately that wont happen, i'm a bandit
  5. Bitzieee

    [W.O] Woodlands Order is recruiting.

    Age: 15 Name: Tomo Skype: tomo.francis Country: U Timezone: GMT Steam Name: wardul (dont use it) Experience: 9 - Experienced veteran Game Style: Bandit-Sniper/spotter preferably sniper but better at spotting
  6. Bitzieee

    Ok So I Want A Bandit Squad :/

    Precisely... I don't see no problem with that? Firstly: I wan't people to hunt me Secondly: I've had like 3 helicopters roll up on my squad before at one time, I shot one down with an as50 a friend shot another with an m240 and the other fled after being damaged by by our spotter with the L85. Thirdly: They won't have the chopper very long Fourthly: This is the bandit forums... 'if the admins a good guy he will kill all the bandits' is what your implying... That could be classed as flaming bandits in the BANDIT forum. We don't go to the survivor forum and call you all weak people for not killing. Fifth: Some server admins are bandits And two irrelevant things... Nice post count and sorry for raging :P
  7. Come watch me Stream, I'm 15 years old pretty much geared up all the time, playing with a 3 man squad, were well established and have taken large groups out together before. Come watch me stream, I'm spotting with the L85 and sometimes sniping with the DMR. Come over and enjoy! http://www.twitch.tv/bitzieee_hd
  8. My friend here is doing a really good job but he's struggling on a few things, like adding skins. Hes messing around with rMod adding in extra hospitals, barracks, fire stations ect. He's also trying to change vehicles add in new skins for them and also skins for players. Can anyone help or teach him this as he's trying so hard but struggling. (he has skype)
  9. His host is bliss/blizz (dunno how to spell it) It uses rMod and I'm pretty sure its dedicated server
  10. My friend here is doing a really good job but he's struggling on a few things, like adding skins. Hes messing around with rMod adding in extra hospitals, barracks, fire stations ect. He's also trying to change vehicles add in new skins for them and also skins for players. Can anyone help or teach him this as he's trying so hard but struggling. (he has skype)
  11. So we decided to play a Private Hive after months of being hacked and finding hacked gear and duped gear and ending up with over 30 tents full of as50s l85s ghillie suits ect. We had like 3 as50's 2 m107's my newly found l85. All legit. A helicopter and were were having so much fun and legit battles it was untrue. Then a helicopter speeds over head and sprays towards us as we were roughly 300m away from our chopper as we looted a crash site. It landed in trees bugged out but never blew up. We were getting shot although we saw no one get out the chopper or in it. Me and my friend died and we had slight suspicions they were hacking. I spawned in and ran towards zombies, as i was knocked out on the floor i got teleported and shot at me with a saw. That's when I hit the record button. Lets all bump this up and get the banned to save many others the chaos.
  12. They are hackers full stop. The private hive is still the same game/mod. As far as i know they do. It would only make sense too as they can easily exploit them on a main hive
  13. Sorry also est time of hacking was at 9:15pm GMT
  14. Bitzieee

    The Art Of Tent Hunting [ Base Hunting ]

    Peaks are best to look at. Pobeda dam. Check the very low pop servers. If there one player then there tend to be no camps. 10 player plus usualy suck and the 8 player mark is ok but usualy clan camps and often someone around. I find 4 player servers are the best cus people are online using there vehichles and so on. Goodluck!
  15. First Name: Tom In-game name: Bitzieee Age: 15 Country: England What time you are mostly on: Weekdays: 4pm-10pm (changes everyday with sport and stuff.) Weekends: 1pm-10pm Why you are searching for a group/clan: So I can kill people in squads. I joined a new team recently and was loving it but they went inactive as with every clan i join. Skype: tomo.francis Experience: 5 months. Very well geared got my own camp with vehichles
  16. Need a PBX lift from cherno-skallisity island asap, ill drop all weapons if you want. Skype: tomo.francis