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About Gulrix

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    Gulrix Gulrix

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    Hiding in the treeline
  1. Gulrix


    It was a guy we had killed literally 15 min. earlier. He had a guillie and a as50. I mowed into his back and he didn't even bleed. He was hacking.
  2. Gulrix


    So today i alt+f4'd after a hacker spawned in front of me and started mowing into me. I spawn in and my buddy fixes me up but we don't have any epipens. I have been unconcious in game for over 1 hour and a half. Why am i allowed to be unconcious for this long? It is completely broken.
  3. Gulrix

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    The thing that makes Dayz so interesting is that there is no set moral line.
  4. You're a complete idiot. I wasn't "QQ"ing. I wasn't whining. I didn't even bother throwing in a random backstory. I was just curious to the thought process of the people that do, so i asked people who know better than I. How else do you expect to learn?
  5. Why would you kill an unarmed player who has called friendly? Do you enjoy feeling dominance? I don't understand this. Would someone mind explaining?
  6. Haha :D sounds tempting but i'd prefer to live and keep y'all on good terms. I've been looking for some rangefinders and NVG's. Do you have any and if so what would you be willing to trade for them? Anything you are looking for?
  7. Will people with the bandit skin be allowed in? :/
  8. Gulrix

    DayZ Stories

    Yesterday me and my friend were strolling around Cherno fully armed looking for some medical supplies which we had run out on. The plan was to get into the hospital as fast as we could and get out. We knew the city would have bandits as the server count was roughly 40. After looting the hospital me and my friend went ahead and decided to clear out the apartments as well. We cleared them and as we started to leave, things went downhill. We heard some akm fire off to the east in the hills and noticed a player in the killfeed. We wait and eventually see a player running through the hills with a horde of zeds after him. He decided to make a stand and turned and mowed down many, many zeds. Although we were impressed by his survival skills all he did was attract more and more zeds from all around Cherno with his AKM. We wait and eventually hear him scream and go down. After we see him die we decide we need to move on. As we begin walking out of the city we notice a corpse in the fire station. Naturally we have to investigate. We check for players and finally decide to move in. This is where the intensity begins. We loot the body and just as we turn to leave 2 players walk into the fire station. Already on the steps we decide to sprint up the stairs. Neither party trusted the other. It was a standoff. We move up to the third floor and use the ladder glitch to get outside. My friend climbs down so he can watch the doors and i stay on the roof so i can watch the stairs. Words are exchanged. Deals are made. Lies are told. In the end neither party trusted the other. And both parties were willing to wait. After an hour of baiting and planning things get mixed up. I spot another player running towards the fire station. I tell my friend to get on the roof and we can use him to win. We tell the other player we have sights on him and if he moves he dies. We lost track of the player and move down the stairs to cause some paranoia to the 2 players inside. We open doors shoot in and just cause general grief to them. We decide that i will stay on the roof and watch the lone player who for some reason still hadn't moved. My friend ran around to the back blue door after he opened the red one on the other side just in time to see the other player closing it. He fires. One down, two to go. At this time we decide to mix things up a bit. He comes back on the roof and we toss smoke grenades down out side the fire station. That grenade was like a beacon of light to every zed in the city. We see hordes of zeds coming to the fire station and know this is our chance to get them. Despite my warning my friend climbs down to the bottom level and encounters the lone wolf holding off the zeds. My friend fires and hits the guy but the zeds then notice him and begin to swarm. The lone player ran and lost the zeds. My friend begins fighting off the zeds and begins to bleed and break his leg. The player that ran them runs around the corner and blasts him twice with his double barrel shotty. I have no idea how my friend lived, but he managed to climb up the ladder with me and i healed him up. All parties are shaken after this little turn of events and my friend decides to climb down to the second roof. I tell him to check the window before he does. The second he hit the ground he was shot from the window. I panicked and hit on the very top roof and watched my friends body. For some reason his killer decided to go loot it. I took my shot. He died. After losing my partner and eliminating the two initial targets, also while having the knowledge that all this last guy had was a double barrel, i told him to leave and i wouldn't kill him. He ran and i honored my word. In the end my friend made it back to the station and we got our equipment back. It was a 2 and 1/2 hour battle. And it is a battle i'll never forget.
  9. Gulrix

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    I am running dayz on my mac and will be able to run warz as well. I'm not a fanboy, but macs can do everything pc's can do and they don't get viruses. The fact that the windows OS is 1000% the cost of the mac OS is also a factor. There is an old saying that you get what you pay for, and in this case the more you pay the more you get.
  10. Gulrix

    When to KoS

    People like this is the exact reason people do KoS in dayz.
  11. Gulrix

    When to KoS

    Huh? I take you hostage by being in cover behind you and say "so-and-so if you move i will shoot you in the head. Are you friendly?"
  12. Gulrix

    When to KoS

    I agree on this point. If you don't declare yourself friendly after i've made first contact within 30 seconds or so i'm inclined to kill as well.
  13. Gulrix

    When to KoS

    I would like to propose a scenario then discuss something. Earlier today i was looting around the southwest airfield after me and my friend died. I found some pretty good loot, specifically two primaries and two secondaries that me and my friend were in need of. I took the secondaries, one on me and one in my patrol pack and the akm. I left the m1014 on the ground and was going to camp out there till my friend ran over and we could gear up. About half an hour later later i hear an AK variant go off around the hangers and see someone light up in the killfeed. I wait patiently at the top of the tower, outside looking in through the glass onto the stairs i know he is about to climb. He climbs the stairs. I KoS, take his alice pack, throw the weapons and some food in there and leave. Normally i don't KoS and I hate people that do. But to my understanding this guy just killed a player and had an AK. I also saw his alice pack and needed that. Normally i would just take him hostage and ask if he needs help or if we could do some trading, but under the circumstances was i wrong to KoS? Now onto the discussion. When should you KoS? My opinion on this has always been KoS if- -They are a bandit -They are a sniper -They have something you desperately need and won't help you -You view them kill another player but their skin doesn't change I'm interested to hear all of your thoughts on both points and how you would handle certain situations in which you could KoS and should or where you could KoS and shouldn't. Thank you.
  14. Saying the argument "stay out of a city" is quite....stupid? You're telling me i can't even enter a city in a game because people have obviously broken weapons that they probably hacked in in the first place. This isn't a "military" or "war" game. It is a zombie survival game. The fact that these weapons exist simply encourages player killing. IRL you wouldn't EVER pick up a sniper rifle and mow down other humans that walked into a city. We all understand that these cities are dangerous, but saying to not even dream of going into them because of people like this is absurd.