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Everything posted by Kurt_Cower

  1. Kurt_Cower

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    No (1st person, only) servers? Really?
  2. Kurt_Cower

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    unacceptable...jesus.One day, when you become Bohemia CEO, you will be able set up work hours (or work days), or deadlines for your employees. But now, you're just a consumer (with 4 posts in forums).
  3. My uncle's old friend told me the same.
  4. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA Some conspiracy stuff, clock-eyes told me: 9:12...
  5. Kurt_Cower

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    You need big cross, and you'll be able transform to...Mr. J
  6. Kurt_Cower

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    1.7.7 suddenly appeared on ftp http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/ noone intrested? Hmm...
  7. Kurt_Cower

    CPU or GFX? Help a Bambi.

    Your rig has weak spots. CPU and GFX are really shitty for ARMA 2. If I were in your shoes, I prefer to collect money for both of them. (ARMA 2 hungry for x4 CPU.)
  8. Kurt_Cower

    DayZ Mod Update

    Oh, boy... if you want zombie horde off you, run through enterable building...(old trick, since april 2012). I'm playing my current character about 3 months. The only weapon I have is hatchet.
  9. I installed 95777 yesterday, joined 4 servers in 1 hour without any prob. Usually I play without any side software (fraps, e.t.c)
  10. Kurt_Cower

    Pending Update: Build

    He said something like that: "To make infected move/run properly - game (ARMA2) needs total overhaul of waypoint system" so, wait for stanalone...
  11. Kurt_Cower

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Then, delete yourself. Noone gives a #@C!
  12. Kurt_Cower

    Infected, well, infect

    I like idea, indeed, just because it's goddamn zombie apocalipsys. And player should aware of zombies/infected more, than of another players. But, there is always a "but" hiding next corner. It's still ARMA 2, with its bugs. It's a game, where AI cannot behave like human. And, finally, if we'll spawn about a million of infected, people/players find a way to avoid zed's hazard ability to infect, by using some exploits or something. As for now, doors more dangeroes than Z.
  13. Kurt_Cower

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Another thread been shitted
  14. Kurt_Cower

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I'm not gonna whine for a beans I lost.
  15. Kurt_Cower

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    First steps of commercial shit in DayZ.
  16. Kurt_Cower

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    +1 Here an old Russian saying: "Don't fear dead, beware of alive people". And I can't remember... super AI was invented yesterday? No one game can offer deadly AI, than human brain. You cannot give to gamers full freedom, and force 'em to unite at the same time. Just read again Rocket's vision of the mod.
  17. Kurt_Cower

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I was thinking the same thing. It should make you harder to see. To understand how sound spreads through fog - use google at least. And don't pass leasons at school. They're not zombies, means not undead ppl. They're "infected", with basic instincts.
  18. Kurt_Cower

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    But remember - in big cities: You can find a bullet in your head, instead of box of matches... After respawn - go straight North. North woods, safest place to live at, IMHO: no annoying sniper shots, almost no players.