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Posts posted by VOPA

  1. VOPA (Viral Outbreak Protection Agency) is opening up 2 more squads. Charlie team and Delta team. These squads will generally consist of 2 riflemen, 1 squad leader and 1 sniper. Squad Leaders will be chosen to lead the squad, while also taking orders from superior officers in the agency. Squad leader can be held liable for the safety of their squad mates.

    The main objective of this is to bring order back into Chernarus. Acts of Banditry are grounds for immediate dismissal. We almost exclusively play on one server.

    You must have a microphone and teamspeak in order to join us. Be expected to engage in multiple firefights with bandits, be expected to lead or be lead into town with mission objectives. Be expected to leave no man behind. Be expected to rescue civilians from sticky situations. Be expected to scramble to help friendlies nearby. Be expected to know military language and terms. Be expected to go on patrols to dangerous bandit locations, such as the NW airfield, Stary Sobor. Electro and Cherno are off limits unless the convoy is rolling out.

    VOPA will also be streaming video to the internet.

    If you so choose to apply to be an armed member of VOPA, you will receive a time and a place where you will meet with others who have applied. These other recruits will be your squad mates and a mission objective will be given to you and your performance vigorously evaluated. Common objectives are to retrieve supplies from nearby towns. Scout an area and maintain defensive positions to allow the convoy to roll through.

    Weapons and or gear is available, however as a recruit you will be unable to access the main VOPA headquarters. Only officers are allowed to access the restricted area. Only Officers know a safe route through the traps to the HQ. Forward bases are where you will be storing your personal gear as well as VOPA issued gear. As a recruit you can expect to be given a low level assault rifle such as AK,AKS-74KOBRA, M16A2, M4. Unless you are assigned overwatch in your squad, where in that case a DMR,M24, or M14 will be issued. AS-50,M107 sniper rifles are available upon request and under special conditions.

    Patrols will be sent out to clear common bandit areas. VOPA members are only allowed to engage those with bandit skin. If the target is unarmed, you will engage in conversation and report back to HQ. If authorized by an officer, Food and Water will be en route to the citizen within 4minutes.

    Failure to comply with a direct order is grounds for dismissal and removal of any VOPA gear. Failure to return VOPA gear is grounds for deadly force. Failure to complete mission objectives due to incompetent squad leader orders will result in the election of a new squad leader.

    We have received 10 applicants, but only 8 positions are available. If you wish to apply, PM with RECRUIT (YOUR USERNAME) as the subject line and include your current gear, your playing style (conservative vs militant). The first tasking for recruits will be TODAY at 7pm Eastern Standard Time.

    Goodluck soldiers

  2. VOPA (Viral Outbreak Protection Agency) is opening up 2 more squads. Charlie team and Delta team. These squads will generally consist of 2 riflemen, 1 squad leader and 1 sniper. Squad Leaders will be chosen to lead the squad, while also taking orders from superior officers in the agency. Squad leader can be held liable for the safety of their squad mates.

    The main objective of this is to bring order back into Chernarus. Acts of Banditry are grounds for immediate dismissal. We almost exclusively play on one server.

    You must have a microphone and teamspeak in order to join us. Be expected to engage in multiple firefights with bandits, be expected to lead or be lead into town with mission objectives. Be expected to leave no man behind. Be expected to rescue civilians from sticky situations. Be expected to scramble to help friendlies nearby. Be expected to know military language and terms. Be expected to go on patrols to dangerous bandit locations, such as the NW airfield, Stary Sobor. Electro and Cherno are off limits unless the convoy is rolling out.

    VOPA will also be streaming video to the internet.

    If you so choose to apply to be an armed member of VOPA, you will receive a time and a place where you will meet with others who have applied. These other recruits will be your squad mates and a mission objective will be given to you and your performance vigorously evaluated. Common objectives are to retrieve supplies from nearby towns. Scout an area and maintain defensive positions to allow the convoy to roll through.

    Weapons and or gear is available, however as a recruit you will be unable to access the main VOPA headquarters. Only officers are allowed to access the restricted area. Only Officers know a safe route through the traps to the HQ. Forward bases are where you will be storing your personal gear as well as VOPA issued gear. As a recruit you can expect to be given a low level assault rifle such as AK,AKS-74KOBRA, M16A2, M4. Unless you are assigned overwatch in your squad, where in that case a DMR,M24, or M14 will be issued. AS-50,M107 sniper rifles are available upon request and under special conditions.

    Patrols will be sent out to clear common bandit areas. VOPA members are only allowed to engage those with bandit skin. If the target is unarmed, you will engage in conversation and report back to HQ. If authorized by an officer, Food and Water will be en route to the citizen within 4minutes.

    Failure to comply with a direct order is grounds for dismissal and removal of any VOPA gear. Failure to return VOPA gear is grounds for deadly force. Failure to complete mission objectives due to incompetent squad leader orders will result in the election of a new squad leader.

    We have received 13 applicants, but only 8 positions are available. If you wish to apply, PM with RECRUIT (YOUR USERNAME) as the subject line and include your current gear, your playing style (conservative vs militant). The first tasking for recruits will be TODAY at 7pm Eastern Standard Time.

    Goodluck soldiers

  3. Hello,

    Join a server and click respawn. Then abort and you should have respawned. You will unfortunately lose all your gear. Another method is we can dispatch a VOPA member to your location and have him kill you then give you back your items. Unfortunately we will be unable to bring you your ghillie suit, as you cannot undress people in this game.


  4. At exactly 0800 reports came in from our forward outpost north of Cherno of gunfire and banditry within city limits. Within 10minutes 2 heavily armed squads were dispatched to the call and the convoy rolled out. The 2 low level recruits manning the forward outposts had direct orders to maintain a spectator role in the conflict but as time passed they grew eager and decided to head off to the city in an attempt to quell the firefight. It would take at least another 15minutes to reach Chernogorsk from Base camp. It was 15 minutes the naive recruits didn't have. Upon entering the city they came under fire from a sniper on the tallest building in electro. Armed only with M16A2M203, they darted past cover to cover making a bee line closer to the building. An attempt to close the range gap in order to successfully return fire. One of the recruits had unfortunate timing and was hit in the leg with a bullet from what was later confirmed to be an m24 round. This caused a sever fracture along his shin crippling him from further movement. A brief moment of silence occured as the 2nd recruit was stunned as his friend lay there bleeding and crawling to cover. He bandages his friend up and realizes another shot from the m24 will kill his squadmate as well as diminish his chances of survival. He checks inside of his backpack only to realize he had disobeyed another protocool in VOPA. He had forgot to pack medical gear, in favor of more stanag ammo. With a broken bone and the hospital in direct line of sight of the sniper they had no choice but to wait. The gunshots around them grew louder and louder. The familiar screams of "Friendly" accompanied by multiple gunshots racketed around them. Cherno was beginning to turn into a bloodbath. Frantically they looked around attempting to locate the source of the 2nd round of gunshots while still trying to maintain cover from the sniper. To their horror they found what they were looking for. A group of 5 bandits were approaching their locations armed with light machine guns, AK-47s, and shotguns. Their attempts to remain undetected were foiled by a zombie that had detected the recruits. They came under fire again and this time there appeared to be no hope. The recruit with the broken leg took a winchester round to the face and died instantly. The 2nd returned fire and wounded one bandit and took multiple M1911 rounds to the body and passed out. He knew it was all over. He was lying in the street waiting for the final bullet to kill him. He winced as he heard a gunshot go off and prepared to see the death screen. But he hadn't died, for some reason he was still alive, unconscious but alive. Another gunshot went off but it seemed this time it was farther away to the point where he could barely hear it. He could not believe it , the convoy had made contact. His blood was at 5k and dropping fast, he knew he wasn't going to make it unless someone bandaged him.

    Alpha squad was nearing the outer perimeter of the city and set up overwatch positions for Bravo squad who would clear the city in grid search style. The convoy rolled into the city as an intense firefight between initial overwatch positions and an unidentified sniper reached a stalemate as the sniper aborted. With the immediate sniper threat gone, 3 of the members of alpha squad switched to silenced M4 assault rifles and covered the flanks of Bravo squad who had begun engaging multiple targets at a distance of 200meters. 2 men from bravo squad were wounded and retreated to bandage and blood bag each other while the rest of the company pushed deeper into the city. with 5 bandits KIA and 1 sniper aborted, they thought the town was clear. Thats when VOPA officer Komanche noticed a pair of legs behind an old broken down truck and decided to investigate. Cautious and fearful of his safety, he sends a 3 man team to clear the right flank while the convoy re mobilized and prepared to head back to base. he approached the bodies and immediately recognized the 2 recruits assigned to Cherno FWD base by their standard issue weapons. He rushed over to one of the bodies and realized it was a corpse and had suffered multiple gunshot wounds. Running to the next body he could feel a faint heart beat. Calling over another rifleman recruit he bandaged the wounded man while the recruit administered epinephrine. Blood was given to the man and he survived to fight another day. The convoy rolled out back to base camp and the disobedient recruit that had survived was dismissed from VOPA.

  5. VOPA (Viral Outbreak Protection Agency) is opening up 2 more squads. Charlie team and Delta team. These squads will generally consist of 2 riflemen, 1 squad leader and 1 sniper. Squad Leaders will be chosen to lead the squad, while also taking orders from superior officers in the agency. Squad leader can be held liable for the safety of their squad mates.

    The main objective of this is to bring order back into Chernarus. Acts of Banditry are grounds for immediate dismissal. We almost exclusively play on one server.

    You must have a microphone and teamspeak in order to join us. Be expected to engage in multiple firefights with bandits, be expected to lead or be lead into town with mission objectives. Be expected to leave no man behind. Be expected to rescue civilians from sticky situations. Be expected to scramble to help friendlies nearby. Be expected to know military language and terms. Be expected to go on patrols to dangerous bandit locations, such as the NW airfield, Stary Sobor. Electro and Cherno are off limits unless the convoy is rolling out.

    VOPA will also be streaming video to the internet.

    If you so choose to apply to be an armed member of VOPA, you will receive a time and a place where you will meet with others who have applied. These other recruits will be your squad mates and a mission objective will be given to you and your performance vigorously evaluated. Common objectives are to retrieve supplies from nearby towns. Scout an area and maintain defensive positions to allow the convoy to roll through.

    Weapons and or gear is available, however as a recruit you will be unable to access the main VOPA headquarters. Only officers are allowed to access the restricted area. Only Officers know a safe route through the traps to the HQ. Forward bases are where you will be storing your personal gear as well as VOPA issued gear. As a recruit you can expect to be given a low level assault rifle such as AK,AKS-74KOBRA, M16A2, M4. Unless you are assigned overwatch in your squad, where in that case a DMR,M24, or M14 will be issued. AS-50,M107 sniper rifles are available upon request and under special conditions.

    Patrols will be sent out to clear common bandit areas. VOPA members are only allowed to engage those with bandit skin. If the target is unarmed, you will engage in conversation and report back to HQ. If authorized by an officer, Food and Water will be en route to the citizen within 4minutes.

    Failure to comply with a direct order is grounds for dismissal and removal of any VOPA gear. Failure to return VOPA gear is grounds for deadly force. Failure to complete mission objectives due to incompetent squad leader orders will result in the election of a new squad leader.

    We have received 10 applicants, but only 8 positions are available. If you wish to apply, PM with RECRUIT (YOUR USERNAME) as the subject line and include your current gear, your playing style (conservative vs militant). The first tasking for recruits will be TODAY at 7pm Eastern Standard Time.

    Goodluck soldiers
