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Everything posted by number7dayz

  1. number7dayz

    Newer banditos

    I'll love to do the tactical pvp stuff the down helis and other part meh nah been their done that not as fun :D msg back if accepted
  2. I would like to participate in this event. :D
  3. number7dayz

    Chernarus Rapid Weapons Team [CRWT]

    I'll join your squad, I've been playing everyday for the last 3 weeks and don't play on stopping, I'm experienced in driving, flying, straight up fights, sniping i'm not saying i'm the best in the game but I've done many things and I would love to join your squad :D
  4. number7dayz

    Need a new Day Z partner

    I'll be your partner, I play a lot so you'll catch me on most of the time and I've used many of the weapons and I can fly/drive do many thing just looking for a duo crew and maybe join a squad later
  5. number7dayz

    Starting a small, proper squad.

    i didn't make it Q.Q
  6. number7dayz

    Starting a small, proper squad.

    About me: Age: 18 Gender: Male Location: Chicago, IL, USA Timezone: Central (GMT -6) Availability: Anytime Role: any role EDIT: I have Skype, Vent, and TS3