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Everything posted by barrett_killz

  1. barrett_killz

    Explain to me the Dayz standalone please

    YEAH, YEAH, CO is made of ARMA II and Operation Arrowhead! Search on Steam for "ArmA II: Combined Operations", it's a stable price. And reminder - you won't get the DayZ Game (the GAME not the MOD) for free after buying CO.
  2. barrett_killz

    Explain to me the Dayz standalone please

    ArmA II - you can buy it, but you can't play the DayZ mod (and most of the mods) without buying and installing ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead over it. ArmA II: Reinforcements is an addon to ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead, but it's not needed for the DayZ mod. It just improves the quality of the characters and gives you some single player missions. Though it's a waste of money (for the DayZ mod), I still installed it over. Just buy it on Steam, don't complice yourself. If sincerly, I was just like you, and I was about to not buy anything when I was confused, but as you can see - I understood it well with the time.
  3. barrett_killz

    Explain to me the Dayz standalone please

    Maybe, did you use Steam before? I don't really use it. Used it only one time when I played Black Mesa: Source. The disk may cost you more, I have no idea. If you want an easier method, without going to the store, just click a few times on your browser and you got the key for activating the game.
  4. barrett_killz

    Explain to me the Dayz standalone please

    You buy ArmA: II CO on Steam, then you download the mod from the websites and follow some instructions regarding the installing of the DayZ mod for ArmA: II CO (I don't know how to install it on Steam, because I've bought the disk from a store, and installed the game manually). What's the best thing - you pay just $15, and you get two full games (ArmA II: and ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead), and a cool mod reflecting realistic zombie survival, you play them all online and you may even get more mods for ArmA II: CO to improve the quality of your gameplay. I never regretted that I paid these money, because it's so entertaining!
  5. barrett_killz

    Explain to me the Dayz standalone please

    So let's start from scratch again, seems like you didn't understand it well. 1. ArmA II is a game made by Bohemia Interactive. ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead is another military simulation game made a few years later after the ArmA II release (it's also a separate game). Both of these games (if installed in the same directory) make up ArmA II: Combined Operations. 2. ArmA II: Combined Operations is a military simulation game (reminder), and "Rocket", the creator of the DayZ mod, found it nice for creating a mod on this engine. The mod ended up in a zombie survival game, that "touched" many gamer hearts. 3. Since the mod is unstable and buggy, there are a lot of hackers and glitches, "Rocket" decided to make a standalone game from the mod. The DayZ Game will be released in 2013 (IMHO). But, what's the point of buying ArmA II: CO? It's made exclusively for PC, it's very easy to mod it, and it became a perfect engine for the DayZ mod. The DayZ mod is free, but ArmA II: CO is not. Why not spend like $15 for buying a such interesting game, and enjoy the simulation?
  6. barrett_killz

    Explain to me the Dayz standalone please

    Actually why not buying ArmA II: Combined Operations? It's really awesome, play Co-op with your friends and enjoy a realistic military simulator and do almost everything you want.
  7. iPorn and zombie survival? You gotta be kidding me... Or I'm drunk...
  8. barrett_killz

    Looking for 2-3 people to form a small group

    Sure, and I can even speak fluently if we meet someone.
  9. barrett_killz

    I NEVER go back to green mountain..

    I've been there for like 3 or 4 times, but I didn't even notice the strange sound that everyone talks about...
  10. barrett_killz

    Entrance to The zone

    You should make another map, like Namalsk, and if you manage to make up Pripyat and Chernobyl NPP, you're my lord :)
  11. barrett_killz

    Looking for 2-3 people to form a small group

    IGN: Barrett_killz Age: 17 Location: Republic of Moldova (Near Ukraine, ex. Soviet) Steam Name: N/A, non-Steam version Skype Name: myrcea699 DayZ Experience: Since August, I'm able to handle almost any weapon, and I know almost all about DayZ and the survival tips; Role you would like to play in a group: Actually it doesn't really matter since I'm playing for almost 5 months, but I'd preffer assault, sniper, medic or maybe even driver or pilot. Also I know Russian perfectly as it's practically my maternal language, I can read, speak and understand Russian, so I may be helpful sometimes... P.S. I've been learning English at school, so I may have some problems with spelling and accent, but I'll try to speak. And I never had a partner till now, been playing solo.
  12. barrett_killz

    Bored of tents :(

    Go to a store and server hop until you find one...
  13. barrett_killz

    Need tents will trade for m107 m4a1 cco m9sd or rangefinders

    I want a M107 with a rangefinder for my L85A2 AWS with 9 magazines, and maybe my camo clothing if you want, please...
  14. barrett_killz

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    We actually celebrate it on January 7th, depends on the region.
  15. Mine are likewise, but I already played that much so I learned to ignore the lags :lol:
  16. barrett_killz

    A Call to Arms! Well, Styluses Anyway...

    Seriously, I didn't understand anything from what you said, and I studied English for around 10 years...
  17. barrett_killz

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    I actually don't insist for the standalone's release ASAP, I just want to hear some news and more info about it. And wait, I think that's not only me...
  18. barrett_killz

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Will there be a december dev blog report?
  19. Only without the machine guns, .50 cals, rockets and other ammunition on it.
  20. barrett_killz

    DayZ: Teaching a beginner

    It's really interesting to play with friends I guess... I'm playing since August and didn't get a partner till now... Because no one of my friends have a good PC fitting for running the ARMA II engine smoothly...
  21. barrett_killz

    New Dayz guile suits. and New SVD CAMO.

    It's Ghillie, not guile.
  22. barrett_killz

    Stupidest people you have encountered in DayZ

    And roof snipers in Elektro ;D
  23. barrett_killz

    Dayz (SA)

    This actually means that every server will be "private", no "public" servers. Each one with its own SQL database (written in the FAQ)
  24. barrett_killz

    Got DayZ, now I see this

    I'm using ArmA II: Reinforcements (PMC + BAF) as a modification, just because it increases the textures of the clothing packs and L85, AS50, etc.