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Everything posted by barrett_killz

  1. barrett_killz

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    We're talking about the work done for the f*cking ALPHA!
  2. barrett_killz

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    And that's it? Am I the only one who thinks that rocket reminds me sometimes about Russian politicians? :lol:
  3. barrett_killz

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Haha check it out, the release date is hidden on Dean's shirt: 6.09.13 (2074 - 2+0+7+4 = 13)
  4. barrett_killz

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    The thing is, a desktop isn't made only of CPU, GPU and RAM (which counts up to $300-400 EVEN the low budget components). A good PSU will cost you under $100 (maybe more depending on the brand) and also a monitor, expensive mouses and keyboards, doesn't sound a bit too expensive?
  5. barrett_killz

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Sorry but it's kinda impossible, a quad core CPU will fit in my socket, but I'll just get a BSOD upon booting the laptop, just because a quad core CPU requires 45W, but my MOBO accepts only 35W CPUs, so yeah, that's the best one I can get. Might be your ArmA 2 settings, do some research on boosting FPS in ArmA 2, because your rig isn't bad for low settings. Get a HDD as well, ArmA 2 with the DayZ mod and the mods for the DayZ mod and the mods for the mods for the DayZ mod will eat up to 30 GB, so think about that.
  6. barrett_killz

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Can you f*cking put a rule for people to not show off their super mega top end rigs? I mean when I see "Can I run it with i7-3770K" it kills me from inside... BTW, is it worth upgrading my i5-2450M (up to 3.1 GHz) to i7-2620M (up to 3.4 GHz) on my laptop? Currently running DayZ on around 20-40 FPS at all (not more).
  7. barrett_killz

    STAND ALONE - In Debt Review and E3 GamePlay

    Advice. Get a better mic. Also you were wrong really many times..
  8. barrett_killz

    Long guns not worth it

    No, it's not in 1.7.7. But could be if you're skilled with it.
  9. barrett_killz

    Viral Zeds need to be easy to indentify.

    Not a bad suggestion, but this would make the survival much easier, and that's not what we're looking for IMHO.
  10. So what? The engine is always editable if they have the source code, just a good C++ coder is needed (and I think they have one in the dev team).
  11. barrett_killz

    Thermal Weapons

    They will just add the thermal scope from ArmA 3 and that's it.
  12. Isn't that a pretty old CPU? I'd rather go with Phenom II.
  13. barrett_killz

    Huge fps drop..

    His CPU is good enough to run DayZ on playable FPS (but overclocked though, 4 cores on 2.2 GHz isn't really what you're looking for).
  14. barrett_killz

    Huge fps drop..

    Clean the dust first then tell us how it's gonna work.
  15. barrett_killz


    The crossbow sucks in the mod. Hope they make a better one in the standalone. I loved the one from the walking dead: survival instinct.
  16. Не думаю что прочитает. Но пусть будет...
  17. barrett_killz

    i7 3770k Overclocking advice plz

    I thought only Pentium III's and old AMD CPUs can burn, never heard of such cases on ivy bridge CPUs.
  18. barrett_killz

    i7 3770k Overclocking advice plz

    I bet he just wanted to show off his box :lol:
  19. I think there's no sense suggesting those here, you should wait for the standalone forums to be opened and suggest it there, because early alpha won't give us all these things. They didn't even add the multiplayer client.
  20. By the way, did they mention any kind of pre ordering the alpha (might sound a bit dumb) before?
  21. barrett_killz

    Trains (SA)

    They won't add them.
  22. barrett_killz

    How to create a dayZ map?

    Browse the BIS forums for some tutorials. Also keep in mind that it doesn't take a day or even a month to make one. Even the Taviana creator said that worked on the map since OPF.
  23. Another non-sense post, does that image mean something to you? I bet all these of your buddies will start posting all their oppinions on me right now because you gave them beans :lol: EDIT: Okay, okay, 10 vs 1... I'm leaving this thread, you can start giving me beans! Let the beans war begin!