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Everything posted by barrett_killz

  1. barrett_killz

    Getting Ready for DayZ Standalone Update

    Wooow, this is really a legend weapon...
  2. barrett_killz

    Is the nivida 670m "that" worse then the 670mx?

    http://www.game-deba...eforce-gtx-670m Check this out and take your conclusion. I always use this tool to compare the graphics cards. As you can see on the performance (shaders and textures) the 670MX takes the cake double or triple times. But it has its minuses as well, you won't get a HDMI/VGA port with the 670MX. EDIT: Both of these GPUs won't stop you from playing those games, trust me.
  3. barrett_killz

    What is DayZ Origins?

    It's a mod of a mod of a game.
  4. barrett_killz

    Cache? Help Me

    You're being banned server side, not client side I think, this shouldn't have anything with your cache. Just contact BattlEye, you can't get unbanned on these forums. Best of luck...
  5. barrett_killz

    GPU Overheating?

    What soft do you use to check your temps? Give MSI Afterburner a shot.
  6. barrett_killz

    What CPU?

    Is that 1500W PSU really needed? Or you have your private nuclear power plant? On topic: Buy the new Haswell hit - i7-4770K if you have money and get this done for the next 5 years. Upgrade your MOBO as well.
  7. barrett_killz

    Need a 60€ (80USD) GraphicsCard for DayZ

    Don't go for the expensive nvidia cards if you don't have money. You can get HD 6670 (GDDR5) really cheap as well.
  8. barrett_killz

    Anybody else learning to read russian?

    Learning a language (or only reading it) might become handy in real life as well. Russian is my second maternal language and I'm pleased that I can fully read, speak & understand it. Actually it might be pretty interesting to play when you have no idea where you are.
  9. barrett_killz

    Making my computer run Dayz better

    You can buy a better dedicated graphics card to combine with your APU. Most likely you paid around $800 on this already built PC when you could build one yourself which is much better for let's say $500-600.
  10. barrett_killz

    Dayz Suicide

    Haha I bet he will remember that every day he enters that school =)
  11. barrett_killz

    AS50 or M107?

    Don't try to look like a veteran, 50 cal rifles beat them in most of the ways (including zeroing, engaging distance, damage per bullet and many many others)...
  12. barrett_killz

    AS50 or M107?

    I've seen a video how a guy destroyed the Elektro hospital by hitting a few spots with the AS50, but I personally like the M107, just because it looks more sexy. EDIT: There you go:
  13. barrett_killz

    New DESKTOP.

    That's a cool building tool, but why they have such a big tax (20%)?
  14. “The dead has always been within us, its just the graveyard where we lay to rest.” ― Anthony Liccione
  15. When it drops below 26 FPS (starts lagging)
  16. barrett_killz

    Standalone Release Predictions

    Does your post make any sense?
  17. barrett_killz

    DayZ Standalone Commercial

    Maybe just a f*cking trailer on youtube? Does that cost so much?
  18. barrett_killz

    Survival type games

    Try the new Rust (Ruste) or whatever its name was, I heard it's a nice survival game.
  19. barrett_killz

    Survival type games

    BF3 Aftermath DLC, scavenger mode doesn't look that bad.
  20. barrett_killz

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Not bad for medium settings, if you can get a better graphics card (at least a GTX 660 or better a HD 7750 GDDR5) you're going for high settings with 30+ FPS. Obviously not. You're not following even the minimum requirements for the game.
  21. barrett_killz

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Exact info of your GPU? The processor is alright for low settings.
  22. barrett_killz

    Whats the point of dayz?

    Yeah, the last one is the best, set up achievements like fix a chopper or something.
  23. barrett_killz

    How are my specs

    Go for a GTX 760 upgrade instead.