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Posts posted by cracked_machine

  1. I CAN see the option 'open backpack' its just that 'take backpack' option isn't there...

    I had the exact same problem. I respawned or logged in ( i can't remember which) and found that I had lost my backpack. Ok, no problem. I'll just find another. But I was unable to "Take" the backpacks I subsequently found. There were no objects lying in the way of the backpack, I just had the options "Open Backpack" and change to my other weapon. It's as if the back pack was still in my inventory but glitched and therefore was preventing me from replacing it with another.

  2. P.S. Yes... I call them Zom's and not Zed's. Zed in not a letter in the English alphabet. I don't know who started that ridiculous trend but it needs to stop.

    Yup that's about the stupidest thing I've heard today.

    Edit: glad to see I'm not the only one. Zed or Zee, whichever. They're both correct.

  3. i have to share this' date=' look at what this guy posted, holy balls some people make me wanna go hide in a corner for the rest of my life.

    (Today 05:14 AM)TheSexyGoat Wrote: Wow... after weeks of work, collecting guns, food, drinks, everything, storing in my tent/cars I get this. First, I lost all the cars I had in the first update, didn't really bother me, since all the good stuff I have are in my tents, now the tents are getting wiped? Seriously.. makes me wanna stop playing this and think about the 30$ I wasted.


    Yeah, I felt mildly disgusted after reading what this guy posted. People really do forget that they are TESTING a MOD that is in ALPHA stages. Sure, rage the fuck out if this happens when the MOD is full release but really dude? You're going to complain about that in Alpha? Holy shit that is low. Also, losing 30$? You do realize Arma 2 has a million other things you can do? Right guys? Right.....

    Right! This mod sucks so hard, I might just go play Arma 2!!!!


  4. I've come across a bug since that has affected me multiple times' date=' but unfortunately I'm not entirely sure how to reproduce it. I've tried, but it seems a bit random.

    Sometimes when crouch walking, or crawling slowly (shift + prone movement) my character gets stuck as though the walk/run toggle has been turned to walk.

    What I've tried, and what I've observed:

    - I've tried to toggle run/walk it back to normal but it doesn't work.

    - I've tried rebinding the toggle run/walk key and rebinding left shift, but neither seem to work.

    - Disconnecting and reconnecting doesn't work, I have to restart the game.

    - I've tried switching from prone, to crouch, to standing and variations of switching between the three but no change.

    - I attempted to sprint which worked until I stopped again, reverting back to constant walking. Even while sprinting I was still running at 3/4 speed than normal.

    - The walking animation seems to progressively get slower as I keep attempting to fix it, almost like slow motion.

    - Once I managed to get myself back into running while crouched, but I was still only moving at 3/4 speed, and when I stopped I returned to the slow walking again.

    - Every time it has happened, I've been newly respawned with my torch still in my backpack rather than in my hands.

    It seems completely random as to when it happens, and I've attempted to reproduce it outside of the mod but it doesn't seem to affect me. I've been hit by it approx. 6 times now, using both my laptop and PC. I own the Steam version, but start the game without using the Steam overlay.

    Does that sound like an engine, mod or user-end problem?


    Possibly related to the post above about locking into the walk speed and not being able to get out of it without double tap W, I have encountered something after being prone and recovering from falling unconscious.

    [bug?] When prone and falling unconscious through low blood, after regaining conscious movement gets locked in one direction ie. sideways right. Pressing the left movement button stops you moving right but holds you still as if no buttons are pressed. Upon falling unconscious again the movement is then re-set to another direction (possibly the opposite to before but unsure).

    Isn't that because you double-tapped shift without realizing? I know this happens with free look (Alt).
