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About ChA1NsAw

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  1. ChA1NsAw

    Players in last 24 hours dropping fast.

    Asking so much when this game is totally free and in Alpha. Spoiled brat. Read some interview with Rocket. Their team and he know what they are doing and be rest assured that they are not going to milk this for the money, but actually want a good game. If you can do better, then try it. But don't complain if you aren't even doing anything. This game won't die and I'm 99.99% sure of that. A lot of people just taking a break or doing whatever while they are super excited for the standalone release. This is big and it will stay big.
  2. ChA1NsAw

    Just fix the damn arfitacting/tearing, please

    When I load my game when I'm in those city's it doesn't show those artifacts. If I load my game when those city's aren't visible I get them when I look at them.
  3. (16:30) In this interview rocket explains the narrative or backstory for the infection. I've just watched the mini-serie The Stand by Stephen King (4 episodes) and the story is completely the same. Infection breaks loose, the quarantine doesn't hold and most of the people die, and those who don't are immune. (trailer, full of spoilers though: )I'm just curious, no problems with it or something.
  4. Apparently Rocket said this on the ama on reddit: "The female character will be feature complete." So in my opinion, if a female character lives for 30 days, she should get her period. Or would that be too funny for DayZ if tampons spawn in hospitals. And if men right click & use tampon they get constipated.
  5. ChA1NsAw

    I have officially played too much DayZ!

    Hahah I also dreamt about DayZ. My friends, me and some other people were located at a shopping mall / warehouse. I went outside alone, searching for weapons. Suddenly I found an assault rifle and a bazooka in the bushes. I went in there and suddenly I heard zombies. I tried to take the bazooka but couldn't. I sprinted to the entrance but got hit in the face and hand. I was bleeding bad. I managed to get inside where my wounds were taken care of. Meanwhile I actually had to go on a boat with 2 other friends to escape or something, but because I ran into zombies I missed my friends. Then I had to follow a stream of people who were walking together to the boat. I was alone, it felt creepy, yet still it felt good and exciting. Then I woke up, happy. I love dreams like this.
  6. ChA1NsAw

    Remove Snipers / Military weapons

    It's a realistic zombie survival game. In real life there are going to be all sorts of guns. The only thing that needs to be changed is a bigger map and more zombies. In real life most people would be in danger of zombies. Now that's not the case if you have sufficient ammo and definitely not snipers. If the focus will be killing zombies and surviving there will be less pvp snipers. And I'm not saying there shouldn't be. I would not want that because it keeps people watching their every step. Anyways it's still alpha.
  7. ChA1NsAw

    Blood Bag (Type O+)

    I like the idea of different bloodtypes and bloodbags. Also blooddonations would be cool and make it increase your humanity. But also decreases your blood. And you can only do it once a month if you keep living. And bloodplasma once in 2 weeks. Bloodbags would be used after bleeding and bloodplasm used for people with infections (next to antibiotics), long term dehydration (together with NaCl 0.9 bags). Why would autologous blood donations be good for? Well if your healthy and donate to keep it for yourself, you can regenerate over time and use it afterwards if your somewhere far from a hospital. Or give it to someone else.