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About Havok.

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    Vancouver, Canada

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    Going to school for a degree in computing science. My first year starts this September (2012). I love anything to do with Zombies. Not sure where the compulsion comes from but I think it's maybe the survival/challenge aspect of it.
  1. Yeah, I don't know what the "check your fire" is all about. I just had it spammed as I was running through the woods. I figured it was someone out of voice range sending me a msg to let me know I was coming towards his position or he was a friendly behind me wanting to team up, but I guess not. Though, you are right about how the zombies communicate. When you log in, you see a bit of it during the loading screen. "22, Return to formation", "158, Form on me", "57 is dead!". It's the zombies talking to each other, as well as the commands the player gives them to get them to attack and such. I could be wayyyyy off, but that's what I thought of it as. Well I guess it doesn't mean much so I'll slither out from under this tree ;)
  2. Havok.

    How to zero your gun?

    I would go with what Wuggie suggested, and if that doesn't work just go into options and change them to whatever you want. Good luck ;)
  3. Havok.

    Heroes few and far between?

    I met my first hero the other day. One of my buddies had been shot so I was watching over the area while another guy ran in to revive him. I saw one bandit running towards their position and from the other direction I saw a trail of zombies. I let the guys know they had 2 incoming and I started to make my way deeper in to town to give them some cover for their exit. They were at the cafe across the street from the school, so I headed towards the school BAM-BAM-BAM! Shots rang out from downstairs at the cafe. They initially thought it was me, which I informed them I still wasn't at the school. Shortly after, they could hear someone coming up the stairs as my friend was frantically applying the blood pack. As soon as he finished I could hear a hail of gunfire... 1 bandit down they told me over skype. They informed me they were coming out the front door. I pleaded with them to wait, I was almost on the third floor and could cover them. Just as I was walking out onto the balcony I heard multiple rounds being fired, which sounded like they were coming from an army of riflemen and in the distance I watched both of my friends lifeless bodies crumbled to the ground. To my surprise a guy, in what looked like a ghillie suit, came strafing from around the corner unscathed. I was shocked, the only thing I could think of was kill or be killed, so my finger reached for the trigger and I began to unload my clip in his direction. I got about 5 shots into my clip and then I fell to the ground incapacitated. There was nothing I could do but watch the blood spirt out of my multiple gunshot wounds. As soon as humanly possible I started to bandage my wounds and crawled my way back into the school. My vison was blurred, I knew I wouldn't make it to safety of the forrest, or at the very least a different building. The only thing I could do was wait for back-up to arrive, which in the circumstances could be a very long time. I took up position in one of the rooms, passing in and out of consciousness. "I know you're in there!". I was screwed! I told my friends on skype that I needed silence. As I was about to speak my body faded back into the black abyss. That's when he made his move. He ran into the room and..... ran behind me! I figured he was toying with me. I told him to get it over with, just kill me! He could have kicked me and I would have died. I had 245 blood left. He told me to put my gun in my bag. As I was trying to make space, he told me he had to kill my friends because they shot at him. I understood, it's kill or be killed out there! That's when I noticed his clothes! I never would have fired if I had've noticed the hero skin, but people are ruthless out here! After watching my buddies being gunned down I reacted the only way I could think of to save my own life. I apologized, he accepted, and to my surprise he gave me a blood transfusion! It was my third day in the game and I was overjoyed to keep all my gear that I had spend hours upon hours scavenging for. He told my the cities is where people came to die and suggested that I leave town and with those parting words he left. I made a beeline for the outskirts of town towards the forrest. I made it past the northern firestation. I was home free!! Just as the final feeling of relief was over me, I was picked off by bandits on the roof! LMAO. The hero did all he could to spare my life, and I ruined it! Not only was I upset that I lost all of my gear, but now it was going to the vultures! If I could have given my gear to anyone, I wanted it to be to that hero that saved my life! But!!! I came back to my body and everything was there!!! They didn't take a thing! Maybe... Just maybe, my guardian angel was still watching over me as I left town and took out those bandits for me. I wish I could remember the name of the guy who saved me. I wanted to thank him. So instead I will thank all of you! Thanks for being there for people when they have no one else! In the past, the only way I knew I was around other players is because I would be dead! I still ask people if they're friendly and usually I don't get an answer and then I'm dead. But I still fill my backpack with extra tools and bloodpacks for anyone I find in need and one day I will be someones hero. Even though I don't have the skin to prove it. I tend to avoid big cities. Once I get better at this game I will get that hero skin. But for now I need to focus on surviving! Thank you heros! Don't stop what you're doing! Maybe I could join you on some medic missions sometime! Teach me the best ways to approach situations.
  4. I was having horrendous issues with gettin my game up and running. As soon as I fixed one problem another would arise. The only method I could suggest is the one that I used. I'll try and post a link to it here. In-short it's just, delete all files associated with Arma 2, Amra OA and DayZ, reinstall Arma 2 and Arma OA, run Arma 2, run Arma OA, install your preferred software (PlaywithSix, or DayZ Commander), install DayZ and Beta Patch, and play.... Hopefully.... I'm not saying it will fix any of your issues, but it can't hurt. Just reinstall before you go to bed and in the morning it will be done. Good Luck! Here's a more lengthy version of what I suggested: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/76003-please-help-i-cant-start-playing/#entry721110 I hope it helps! P.S. After you've done a fresh install. Go into Steam and back-up both games before you install PlayWithSix or DayZ Commander. That way if it doesn't work you can revert the games back to fresh installs and start again.
  5. I know its a HUGE pain in the ass, but I would try the reinstall before trying a bunch of other stuff. I wasted, no joke, 10 hours trying to get it to work. Only to have another issue arise... I was ready to tear my hair out, smash my computer, burn my house down and piss on the smoldering ashes.. So before I did all of that I decided to try a reinstall just before I went to bed and when I got home from work the next day it was all done. I made sure to back it up on steam so that if I did make any mistakes I wouldn't have to wait hours on end for another reinstall. Give it a try, I'm sure it'll help! It's not like it could make the issue any worse! Good luck man hope to see you in the game!
  6. Hey I'm looking for people to play with as well.. I'm a little new but get the hang of things pretty fast. Just need some good ppl to play with. My Skype is MrBenderr
  7. I'd be more than happy to find people to play with. The only people I've come across won't reply to me when I talk/chat or I'm dead before I know they're there. PM me or add me on Skype: MrBenderr (Same as my steam account)
  8. Havok.

    No one goes up north anymore..

    How do you play more than one character? I'm guessing just change your profile before you start? I can't seem to stay alive long enough to keep any of the good gear i find. I usually end up with a broken leg at some point and then kill myself because I have no idea where to find morphine. Well i'm sure its in a hospital or something lol. It's only my second day so i'm still trying to figure out the best places to go. If i do run into someone, I'm usually dead before I notice they're around me or they don't answer when I talk to them and they just keep hoofin it where ever they are heading lol... Anyways... I'm usually in the northern part of the map only because I've found some deer stands that I can safely get a gun from lol.
  9. Okay... First off let me say I feel your pain! Yesterday I finally got the game working! I'm excited to say the least. I had the same issue you were having plus more! I spent over 10 hours trying to get things to work, find fixes and applying them only to have another issue arise. So before you get to far deep into fixing issues I would suggest the way I fixed mine. I uninstalled Arma 2 and Arma OA from Steam. Then go to file explorer and searched for DayZ, Arma 2, and Arma OA and deleted everything you can find to make sure it didn't save any preference that have been messed with. I don't think you'll need to do that step unless you've been messing with stuff to try and get it to work. So once you've uninstalled everything, obviously reinstall it. I also deleted SixUpdater (playWithSix is the new version of it). Once both games are installed make sure before you do anything else, you run Arma 2 until you get to the main menu, then close it and run Arma 2 OA. Download PlayWithSix, or Six Updater and pick a server and it should reinstall the beta patch and Day Z. I was having the same issue and what happened was that I had installed DayZ before I ran the game and Play WithSix installed the stuff to the wrong locations and all I could see was a black screen and when I could pick a server I always got booted. Before you delete everything, open PlayWithSix, or whatever you are using and go to settings(DayZ Commander) or click on the Arma 2 image(PlayWithSix) and check where the stuff is being installed. My lines read like this: Game Path (Arma 2: OA) c:\Program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 operation arrowhead Game Path (Arma 2: Original) c:\Program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Mods Installation Path (Advanced) C\Users\(my Name... So whatever your username is)\Documents\Arma 2 If they read anything different then it might be because you installed the Mod first/ran PLayWithSix before you ran both games. So once you've deleted, reinstalled both games and reinstalled Six Updater/PlayWithSix go back in and check if its different from what was written there before, and if it is! BAM, should be fixed! You could also try just changing those lines manually before you uninstall everything, but if you have ran the games before you installed the DayZ mod it might be too late! I'm not a computer genius and I'm not saying that this will help at all, but I hope it does and you can get playing this awesome game! If you get it working and are lookin for someone to play with send me a message. Today is my second day in the game! Also, try using DayZCommander. I really like it, but I think I messed it up too while I was trying to get everything to work. Reinstall didn't fix the issues for me on that program lmao. Good Luck!
  10. Havok.

    In Need Of A Group!

    I'd love to get a group together... I'm in the same boat as Shawn... The first time I found a weapon I held it in my hand for about 30 seconds and then somehow found a hole in my head lmao. I found a couple more in the woods and finally killed a few zombies, only to die a little while later. So i'm starting fresh and would love to play with some other people, a little communication would definitely enhance this game! Hit me up if I can tag along
  11. Havok.

    LF team (i have a vent)

    I would love to play with someone lol... I've only been playing for a day though. I found my first weapon and within 45 secs i walked out of the building and fell to the ground dead from a sniper shot to the head lol. Any other time i've found anyone around me they won't talk to me. I'd love to team up with a few ppl and go on a few adventures! Hit me up if I can tag along!
  12. Yeah I could use some help as well
  13. I had the same problem so I alt-tabbed out and had a message from windows about firewall access. If you quit the game maybe that message goes away because BattlEye isn't asking for access anymore. So try logging in, and once you get that message try alt-tabbing out and see if there's a firewall access message. If not, try allowing access manually before loading the game. I'm not saying it will fix your problem but after I allowed access I never received that message again. I hope that helps ;)
  14. Havok.

    DayZ Stories

    I just wanted to thank everyone for their stories. All of them were great and many of them were absolutely AMAZING! The details painted a very vivid picture and I felt like I was right there beside you. Some of you could write a book based on your experiences in this game. I'm more excited than ever to play this game! I can't wait until I get the game installed and download this mod. Some of you are absolutely cutthroat as I would image a lot of people would be in a zombie apocalypse situation! Based on your stories I think I'm going to buy/download a video recording program so that I can record my first few days of game play so that I can post something here. I just hope I can recreate my first few days/hours of the game like so many of you have! Keep it up, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH!