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About silverme

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    On the Coast
  1. silverme

    Zombies Too Annoying

    no you're the troll :P to start with he said "It seems" & "almost want..." not that it would make the game better and as a new player, my thoughts are the same but obviously taking the zombies out off the game would be dumb just some thoughts from a newb; crawling is slow zombies are fast .: if I crawl zombies will get me in doors are hard to(find) navigate .: if I run inside I'll get stuck then eaten. apparently this is false and Nasuko's post is the first time I've heard this, even after looking on youtube as a new player having trouble with the zombies I'm forever hearing about how easy they are. and from what I've seen on youtube thats only because if you walk into a building you can just wait until they line up at the door and then shoot them one at a time in the head(also apparently one of the pistols is ohk) which is fine if you have a gun but until then it would seem; see zombie .: die (apparently this is false) also in theory(because I have no experience) I like the idea of the zombies being; harder to kill(take more bullets ect) slower, and more numerous ps now that I know how to get loot unarmed I'll go back and try the game again