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About Gabbermatt

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gabbermatt

    Odd coincidence or.....

    everything went down, I was on TS waiting to meet up with a buddy in novy, lost it all for about 15 seconds.
  2. Gabbermatt

    Odd coincidence or.....

    I try to but without knocking me out or handcuffing me how would he have been able to take my shit? I thought you couldn't unless the person was somehow incapacitated
  3. Gabbermatt

    Odd coincidence or.....

    So my ISP is AT&T and although I hate everything about it, it's pretty stable and reliable. I want to get that fact out of the way. In the 7 months I've had them, I have only ever had one issue where we lost connectivity and it was during a storm. On to the problem: I was in novy sobor, pretty geared up. Had an M4 food for days, enough medical supplies to stabilize a small african village, my guys gets hungry so, i park up against the wall and open a can of beans and start chomping. Right when I start eating I hear footsteps right next to me. I look to my left and there's a dude, no gear, just shirt pants and fists. He punchs me one time. My internet COMPLETELY dies out. Modem goes red, lose connection to server. 15 seconds later it's goes straight back to being green (not even doing the reboot sequence it did the one time we lost connection, just red, to green.) I never got kicked from the server so i just immediately came back, red link went away. I looked around just in time to see him run out of the church, with ALL of my gear. By the time i realized he had my shit ( he left me wiht my axe and my respirator mask...) he was long gone. Normally I'd just chalk it up to bad luck but ffs, I've only once ever had a disconnect and my second one in 7 months just happens to happen when some guy punches me in DayZ? Is there some sort of hack or utility floating around that essentially would DOS your target through the game when you punch them?
  4. Gabbermatt

    Run? Please no anger. :S

    From what i can gather, I see you playing the game on low with that setup. The processor seems outdated as with the video card working it's way there. the RAM is not too bad and the HDD is slow as balls (7200 RPM is standard, I suggest upgrading to a higher capacity SSD or if you can have a secondary drive, putting a SSD as a secondary)
  5. Gabbermatt

    Free stuff (Closing down server 26th of August)

    It's ludicrously easy to "hack" in this game.... If all you're wanting to do is inject weapons/gear to your guy it's the easiest thing to do... I know very little code let alone how to hack and I could gear my guy up in 5 minutes flat, TP to cherno and wreak havoc on players that I can see on my map/GPS. Guess how long it took me to read how to do all that? 4 minutes. So, in less than 10 minutes I go from not knowing a thing about this, to raping the shit out of servers with ease. Sorry but, 99% of the "hackers" on Day Z are just bored adolescent script kiddies who are pissed that someone else got the best of them... Like the day I snuck up on a sniper outside electro, killed him and then had the whole mountainside nuked in retaliation. The ease at which to do this is the whole reason why the hacking is so ridiculous and makes the game pretty much unplayable. Disclaimer: No, I don't hack or use these scripts but, I did do research and tried it ONCE to see if it was really that easy and guess what, it was. Never did it again though and immediately let some Z's kill me. *puts on flame suit since people are going to backlash at this anyways and no, I won't tell you how to do it.*
  6. Gabbermatt

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Ive tried being a hero.... after I spent 10-15 minutes helping this new spawn out, giving him a blood transfusion, bandaging him, and killing off the zombies chasing him so he could survive after a gun fight with a bandit, what does he do? Turns around and axes me to death after saying thank you. I was going to invite him to run around with me and my brother when we met up too.... Oh well I got to laugh at seeing him die countless times afterwards. It's hard to be nice to people after having stuff like that happen, everytime I've expressed being friendly to someone Ive been shot, with the exception of 2 or 3 people.
  7. Mics don't help at all.... I've run i to buildings with a horde of zombies behind me saying friendly/dont shoot over and over again to only be shot in the face regardless. I liked the idea of the bandit skins and am glad they are somewhat back in the game. Even though they aren't perfect right now (how do I start off with -10k humanity on one guy, die, come back as another with 0, die again, spawn back up with -2k?) it has helped me to determine if you die when I see you.
  8. My friends and I were on US 1720 and we had put together a chopper (found on the island) and were flying around in it. We went up to the NW near Skalka to see if the Ural was spawned and it was, so we landed and I ran up to. When I got to it i saw a guy laying down and proceeded to kill him, his name was ThatJewWhosANigga. Normally I wouldn't think anything of it until i looted him and saw an R30(or whatever it's called) grenade. Now... I'm pretty sure you can't get those grenades in game. Anyways, we proceeded to pull the spare engine and tire we had off the chopper and put it on the Ural but we needed another tire. So, we ran back to the chopper and took off. As we were taking off someone started to unload in to us with a machine gun. We never got his name, we just got out of there. We assume it was his friend named "BlackChristianSingles" as there were no others in the game at this point in time and their names are similar. At this point ThatJewWhosANigga was just sitting in the lobby, where he sat for maybe 15 minutes or so and then logged. After about.... I dunno, an hour or so, he comes back and sits in the lobby again. Then me and my friend just up and die. My friend (Kareth) was inside the factory above the quarry on the east coast and I was in the other factory right across from it. There's no way someone could have shot me as I was between concrete walls, no shots were heard, no explosions, just death. Kareth died and then I died about 5 seconds later. This happened sometime between 2:15AM CST and 2:30 AM CST. After he killed us, our friend who was piloting the chopper came and picked us up where we spawned and took us to where we died, our bodies were gone. We could hear the flies but there were no bodies (hidden... I know). So, we decided to see if they ever took off in the Ural and flew up there. It was gone so we started flying back to our base camp. On the way back we ended up seeing the Ural driving into a town so, I lit it up with the m240 on the chopper and blew it up (video of this instance only). We went back to our camp and me and Kareth logged while vdub watched the chopper while we restarted. While vdub was watching the chopper a guy in a ghillie suit runs up to him, kills him, and says "That's what you get". There's no way those guys would have been able to get to our base camp (which was about 4000m away from the Ural) in the time that they did. I have no absolute proof that this guy was hacking aside from the r30 grenade he had on him but, everything else just adds to it. My name on the server was "Victim" and I was with my friends Kareth and vdub31905. The server was US 1720 (