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About DubZies

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Yew Ess of Ay
  • Interests
    Gaming, Music, and Art.
  1. DubZies

    DayZ Stories

    Get ready to feel. Ok so I have an interesting story for y'all. It's a tale of heroism, friendship, and betrayal. It's a nice story and it all starts off with me and my friend sneaking around Elektro for some supplies (Mainly medical stuff). All of a sudden we hear a direct chat trade going on somewhere near us. We know since we can hear it we are too close so we try to look for where they are and stay away from that point. We quickly notice it is not a trade, but a "robbery" so to say. There were 3 bandits trying to take some ammunition from a guy. My friend and I stood back and watched. The main bandit (b1) had his gun pointed at the guy who was crouched at the time. After a long debate, some medical supplies as well as ammunition was given to the bandits. But it's not over yet. All of a sudden gunshots ring out and the guy falls to the ground...not dead though. We can hear the bandits walk away laughing. My friend and I had no idea as to what we should do. After a few seconds, we heard the guy on the floor say through direct chat, "Welp, now I'm fucked. No FUCKING ammo, no FUCKING medical supplies. Fucking A'. Jesus christ...whatever.". We just assumed he was letting his mind out verbally. My friend and I made a big choice and decided to help him (He could not heal himself since he had no medical supplies I guess. The bandits left him there to slowly die). We checked to see if the bandits were around, and luckily, it seemed they had left. So we ran over and said in direct chat "Yo bro, need some help?". He replied surprised with, "Oh my fucking god. No fucking way. How long have you guys been here?". Fast forward between us talking and healing him. So we started talking over skype. This guy, my friend, and I. We had made it pretty far (Equip wise) and decided to go back to Elektro. We were planning on just sniping some randies (Hypocrite of us I know) since we were board and had good enough snipers. After a few minutes we saw a jeep roll in on a street below. Three guys got out, all bandits and continued to go between buildings searching for supplies/people. We, being the nice humanly people we are, agreed to try to take them out. First, we shot the wheels. "No way out.", I said. Next, we waited for one guy to come out of a little house near our position. When he did, we killed him on sight. The other guys freaked out and ran to the jeep. At this moment I laughed to myself, "No way out. I told ya.", I said again. We picked off another guy and the third shortly after. (Notice the space between paragraphs resemble like a week. All on same server, it was a nice one. We have moved on now so don't ask what it is. Can't remember lol :P). We got down to check out their loot and to replace some tires with ones we had found earlier just to be prepared incase we found a jeep. OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE THE GUY SHOOTS ME AND MY FRIEND. KILLS US BOTH, TAKES JEEP & LOOT. It turns out he had actually been part of that little group which we had found him with. I guess they got in a fight or something over supplies and tried to kill him. Little did we know after we saved him, he kept in communications over skype, teamspeak, vent, whatever, with his old squad. Apparently he had told them that we saved him and that he could easily kill us and take our loot. They all agreed. Apparently when we killed the three guys, it was the perfect time. So now, there we were, on the shore with nothing. After a few days he messages us on skype explaining the whole situation to us which is how we know what happened. We haven't spoke since. (We raged at him so hard on skype he had to tell us lol.)