I've read numerous (and by numerous, I mean a LOT of) threads dedicated to solving this infamous updating issue with BattlEye. After reading every post on every single one of those threads, and trying every bloody suggestion they threw at me, I've managed to get the "BattlEye Faield to Update: You have been Kicked from Game" again, and again, and AGAIN. I've downloaded the latest BattlEye client and server .dll's and placed them in my BattlEye folders (both ArmA II and ArmA II: OA, and just OA, and then just ArmA II, and then neither, and then both again, etc. etc.). After placing these v1.62 (or whatever the latest version is) files into the folder, I am then greeted by "BattlEye requires client version 1.168" or some other bla-bla and am told that BattlEye is trying to update. Every once in a while I get right to the point where the words Chernarus and Day 1 and all that are being typed onto my screen when the message "Failed to Update" comes on, though it usually facepalms me before that, which, as a consolation, is less enraging than spawning as your character (meaning "OH YAY! Play time! =D") and THEN being kicked. This by the way is all after having downloaded the latest version (which has been repeated many times as the way to "fix" my problem). I've set all my applications (ArmA II, ArmA II: OA, ArmA II: PMC, etc., etc., DayZ Commander) to run as Administrator by checking the box in the compatibility window. This administrator tactic was another alleged fix to my situation. It failed, of course. =P I've tried messing with my router, reinstalling stuff, joining different servers, trying to find maps through the in-game servers rather than through DayZ Commander itself, using Six Updater (or Play withSIX or whatever it's called now), and all to no avail. I have absolutely NO idea what the flugelhorn is wrong with this "anti-cheat" BASTARD. I would absolutely LOVE to play this fantastic mod of a fantastic game, but am currently unable to because of the tiniest, most insignificant (in my opinion) part of the whole process. BattlEye. And after all that struggle to just get the damned DayZ mod to work in the first place. Finally ready and I get this BattlEye fluff (which I previously had not even known to exist). Please, please, please, and Please HELP. I run a Windows Vista and have a cat shouting "YOU GOT ME RIBBONS!! OMG! OMG!!" as my background. If anyone would be kind enough to figure out what the flugelhorn (pass that saying around, by the way) is wrong with this, please comment. Also, that whole ShareMyPC or whatever (where you control another person's computer as if it were your own over the internet) might be EXTREMELY helpful. I've had problems solved quite easily using that before. =P Anyways, please help. I would appreciate it, as well as anyone else who is having my problem. Thanks. =)