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About itsjonny

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. DayZ Chernarus - Lethal Resolution Gaming The newest server provided by Lethal Resolution Gaming is now released! There's a lot of great scripts that have been put into this DayZ mission so that you guys will love it! With it being just released, not many players have been onto the server. Get the vehicles and loot while it's hot and fresh! TeamSpeak IP: ts.lethalresolutiongaming.com Server IP: Server Information: Third Person [ON]Tracers [OFF]Nameplates [OFF]Cross hairs [OFF]Death messages [ON]Side chat [ON] - NO VOICE!Difficulty [VETERAN]600+ mixed vehiclesCustom loading screen70 player serverPrivate hiveDeveloped by: Nohau Server scripts: * buggy/fixing || ** soon to come Strip VehiclesStrip clothesSelf Blood bag *Custom loot tablesCrafting - Base building to the extreme! **Custom bases - AI Soldiers patrol (Heavily armed, very dangerous).Custom lightingCustom debug menuAuto refuelAI Patrol - Bandits, Survivors, and Soldiers with Helicopters!Skalisty Island bridgeSuicideCare packagesClear roads Server rules: No cheating/scripting/duping/glitching.No racism.No combat logging.No voice in side chat.Have fun and happy hunting/hiding!
  2. itsjonny

    Is this a hack?

    Are you talking about the weapon bag? That doesn't work on our server. Or are you talking about when a cop shoots in spawn, and removes his weapon? Tested that, doesn't say anything in the logs. EDIT: The guy said he was a passenger in a car when I banned him. Yes. And do they actually reply to emails?
  3. itsjonny

    Is this a hack?

    (2013-03-17 | 13:42:55) : RemoteExec Log: #48 NAME REMOVED (*** GUID REMOVED ***) - #0 "removeallweapons this;" I'm an admin on a takistan life revolution server, can anybody explain to me what this is? I've seen it 3 times total, but I RARELY and I mean RARELY see it come up. Can somebody tell me what it means so I don't give false bans anymore?
  4. 15.02.2013 20:06:10: NAME REMOVED (##.###.###.###:####) GUID REMOVED - Value Restriction #0 "remExField" = [,<NULL-object>,"loc","JIPexec",[,,"per","execfsm","ca\modules_e\Weather\data\fsms\postprocess.fsm",<NULL-object>]] Is he a scripter? This is for takistan life.
  5. Does anybody have a list of hackers getting detected on the logs I could have? I'd like to catch hackers a lot easier, and not have the hackers slip through my fingers while I look through the logs. Anybody got a big list?
  6. I'm looking for a death match server that has a decent amount of players on every day. I prefer Chernarus, but any other map is fine. Does anybody have one they host or know about?
  7. Okay so about a week ago, I took the main dayz mod and dayz lingor island map addon folders out of the arma 2 operation arrowhead folder. the folders were "@DayZ" and "@Dayz_lingor_island" I took them out because this tutorial to play takistan life told me to take them out and leave takistan life map addon folder in there, that folder only. So I did, it worked, played takistan life. Now I'm trying to get back onto the main DayZ mod, so I put the folders back in there, and now when I try to download the latest beta patch with DayZ Commander, it tells me I don't have arma 2 installed. Can anybody tell me why it tells me that, please? I really want to play Dayz now :( When I run dayz, it tells me this..
  8. I'm sure everybody knows of Takistan Life servers that you can play, but I was wondering, what would I put in the filter to find Chernarus Life servers? If you know, please help me. Thanks.
  9. Can anybody link me to the Takistan installation files? For some reason when I download it using DayZ commander it says some errors. I'd like to play Takistan Life, so that's why I'd like them. Thanks!
  10. I'd love to play this. Only thing is, don't expect me to host a server! SHITTY CONNECTION FTW!
  11. itsjonny

    [Standalone Suggestion] Abandoned Camps

    I really like this idea, you should add a poll so we can all vote :)
  12. itsjonny

    Can't update BattlEye client..

    Tried that before, didn't work. Kicked me a few minutes later automatically saying the same thing. I'm using Steam and DayZ Commander, but I'll try that. EDIT: Updating BattlEye on Arma 2 says "This game is currently unavailable (corrupt files)." Updating BattlEye on Arma 2 OA says "!! MISSING STRING"
  13. For some reason, I all the sudden have BattlEye client 1.68 instead of 1.70. Last night I had 1.70, now I have 1.68 :( Can anybody tell me how to install the update?