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Everything posted by IncognitoNico

  1. I think you're new here..... ArmA is a military SIMULATOR, and yes, simulating something means that it should be like real life, if not, it's not a simulation, and I'm not sure about what you heard but everything rocket talks about is the realism and authenticity of things, sure zombies are not real and they aren't realistic, but rocket wants to make them as believable as possible, iif you want a game where they nerf guns because they kill too much, play CoD, I thought I was supposed to protect myself from snipers by staying in cover if I'm in a town and and when you said that you have no chance of killing a sniper with an ak or something, I've won firefight's against snipers with just an ak or an m4, it's just about playing this game the way you're supposed to, not complaining about dying too much
  2. If they going to do this they might aswell remove third person altogether because people want 3rd person because being able to see around corners, so if you do not have that possibility people would not use third person
  3. IncognitoNico

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    I would see that not working because I would guess that you can't run with your gun raised
  4. IncognitoNico

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    I voted no, but second thought this is not too bad, for the people that say it should be toggle-able, you are not going to have you gun raised even behind cover in a real firefight, maybe when moving assuming you're in a situation where you need to move with your gun raised you could have shift or you could set a keystroke on the mouse for it, I don't think you would be using more than wasd to move with your gun raised
  5. IncognitoNico

    DayZ SA: Endgame content

    I don't think this would be good for this game because you know it does not make sense that you can't take a players hat because he got it as an achievement, maybe this could work if it gave you abilities instead of items, maybe if you run a lot or something you get more energy so you can sprint longer or like getting a head shot at really long range will give you better accuracy or less scope sway you know, things that you cannot loot from people
  6. IncognitoNico

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Ok..... you just gave me a new dream lol
  7. IncognitoNico

    make agro easier

    I think you didn't get my point I said that the retarded thing was that YOU couldn't do anything, the zombies aren't much of a threat nowadays
  8. IncognitoNico

    make agro easier

    What's pretty retarded is that zombies actually don't let you do anything, they're not really a threat or a problem
  9. IncognitoNico

    Standalone Map

    All the features in DayZ origins for all I know have been discussed a lot and some are going to be in the first build of the SA the map has nothing to do with it and I don't really get the point or credibility on having a hardcore zombie, maybe if he had a bullet proof vest but not like you need to unload a mk48 mag in his head
  10. as far as I know side chat was banned because everybody could hear the people in side chat, which usually got filled with cry babies moaning about a bandit or something and everybody hated it
  11. Not as long as consoles have controllers, there's just too much buttons used in DayZ, some people might say that's a bad thing but I like that, the fact that it is more complex is something I really like, also (I'm based off of current gen since I don't know shit about next gen) that version would be toned down a lot, I don't think the consoles would be able to handle such a big map with 100-200 players and vehicles, that might change in next gen tho, all we can hope is that if they do it, they don't reduce the support for the PC version And you think console players do like a hardcore survival experience? most console players are casual gamers since any 8 year old can ask for an xbox or a ps3 for his birthday, I am a console player looking forward to getting a decent PC that can run all this games, and yes, there are serious players, I'm not saying that the whole community is made out of 8 year olds but possibly the majority of console gamers are just casual gamers, so since DayZ isn't really made for casual gamers, they would really like to appeal a more serious public, and not everybody loves a game like this, so yeah I'm not really saying that the console version would be bad, but definetly not the lead version if it ever comes out
  12. 1. What the guy above said 2. what the guy above said and better loot
  13. IncognitoNico

    Paint cans

    I know that this has been suggested before, but nobody has really paid attention to it, so what would you think about being able to find paint laying around? like with the base building that is going to be added in the sa, you could maybe put signs close to the base and write on them like keep out, or you will be shot on sight from this point and stuff, or you could leave messages in the walls or something What do you think?
  14. IncognitoNico

    How common are heli crash sites?

    You got extremely lucky if it was private hive, but if it was official hive those were spawned by a hacker, in official hive only 2 spawn on each reset EDIT: And by extremely lucky I mean EXTREMELY LUCKY
  15. IncognitoNico

    Nastiest Thing You've Done

    Once I was on a bandit spree with a friend cause we always help people and we always had hero skins and stuff, so we were kinda tired of that and went ahead and started killing everybody on sight, so there was this fresh spawn on cherno with broken legs and he asked me if I could patch him up with some morphine he had on his backpack and I said "Don't worry, I'll take you out of that pain" and shot him in the forehead, and then took his beans, I haven't been a bandit since, never ate his beans, left them in a tent by a lake, I felt really nasty after that
  16. IncognitoNico

    Different Lighting abilities at Night

    Something about lighting I think would be nice and useful, since rocket is introducing the crafting system, why not stick a flashlight to your rifle with duck tape?
  17. IncognitoNico

    Player not waking up

    ok.... you're stuck in the infinite sand watch so you're basically fucked, that something hackers do to piss off other peopl but idk how to get out of it, never been there
  18. IncognitoNico

    Useing A Chopper As Storage And Other Stuff

    Ok, let me put it this way, a camp is basically useless unless you got a big group. Done
  19. actually hardcore, the last time I checked (which was a couple months ago, since I got my cd key stolen) had some thing other than just not having third person, maybe those were some modifications on the servers I played but it also had no health auto-regen, you bled faster, and you had to drink water more often, idk it might have changed
  20. IncognitoNico

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    First, if you had an open source game, it would be a larger hacker fest pretty much just like it was 2 months ago when you couldn't watch a 20 minutes video of dayz without seeing hackers, I think you should be able to modify the vehicle count and stuff on servers but the fact that you can do that doesn't mean the game is open to be modified, if by modifying vehicles and stuff you mean adding your own vehicles, then no, you can do that right now because DayZ basically blocks some of the vehicles and guns from ArmA 2, and to add guns that aren't in the game you would had to mod it, and by being able to mod a game you can get hackers in, because with the mods you don't only create vehicles you can use them to add features that doesn't need to be supported by the server to be used, like in minecraft where you can add a radar and stuff like that, you could also make ghilie suits glow in the dark, so no
  21. So, when you hear the word hardcore it usually means it's harder, and you're taking the harder part by making it always day? then what's the point of making it hardcore?
  22. IncognitoNico

    Spray paint can's in Dayz ?

    I don't think this would be such a good idea because of what god said, but it would be nice to be able to put your clan logo up in a wall like when you build a base, people should be able to know who's base it is right? it would be interesting to see tho, if you left messages with paint on a wall, it would be easier to see than a piece of paper from your journal
  23. IncognitoNico

    Problem With External HDD

    you say that you had to flip it to activate it... ummm....I guess it's just not actvating anymore (?)
  24. IncognitoNico

    [Idea] Whole Country Maps!

    That's a sweet idea, but I think we're not there yet, maybe it could be possible by 2014 or something, but not yet