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Everything posted by IncognitoNico

  1. IncognitoNico

    are hackers dying down?

    hackers are overrated
  2. maybe you could join a nightime server and hope to get a cold? idk
  3. IncognitoNico

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    I don't think we should be able to create our own skins since some people would grab a bush skin and there you go your character is a bush, get a ghilie, a svd camo and get in a bush. But a character customization like the one we see at the beginning of skyrim maybe?
  4. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!! xD
  5. IncognitoNico

    Make Death a Loss, Re: Tents, Inventory

    I like that idea, have some beans :D That's exactly what I thought when I saw the title, I've been thinking about that ffor a couple weeks, and I wanted to make a thread about it but I didn't have the idea complete yet, you can have some bean too, if I had I would give you some mountain dew =D
  6. suggestion: maybe if you find a hoe or something you could fuel a car without having to run back and forth filling up jerrycans to fuel it up, with the hoe you would be able to connect it to the tank and to the car and fuel it up suggestion: having much more items so everything is more rare, that way you would praise a can of beans a bit more, cause if you have a spawn rate based of percentage, you can have 4 item with 25% of possibility to spawn or 100 items with 1% (ofc, some things will have a higher percentage, like the junk or empty cans that will be found everywhere, and some thing will spawn on certain buildings)
  7. IncognitoNico

    Realistic Ballistic Damage

    yeah but in the standalone rocket is the one who's making the game, he decides what does what
  8. I agree with you on most of this... but the heli crashes are not so common each time a server restarts, 2 helis spawn, and the other ones disappear, and teh loot on helis doesn't respawn so if you raped a heli a left no loot in it, nobody will get anything else from it, so I kinda disagree with you on that one, but they could make it so that only 1 heli spawn, that way there would be less people with nvgs rangefinders and as505 camping cherno
  9. Why didn't you just buy combined operations and you get everything?
  10. IncognitoNico

    Crazy Tent Find

    a friend of mine filled up 10 tents with tents........
  11. IncognitoNico

    Crazy Tent Find

    Holly cow
  12. IncognitoNico

    Help i have a mac and i can't install Dayz

    well your first problem is that you're using a mac
  13. So a friend of mine wants to set up a camp on Devil's Castle and I said it was a bad idea to make a camp on a place where loot spawns but I have never been to Devil's Castle so what do I know.... So is it a place where people usually goes to?
  14. IncognitoNico

    Is Devil's castle a popular looting place?

    Alright guy thank you for saving our goods!! :D
  15. IncognitoNico

    Server time, Not showing.

    it's going to be night time at some you know it right?
  16. IncognitoNico

    Thats it, i QUIT

    then why the hell you put up this thread nobody gives a damn if you're not playing until standalone
  17. IncognitoNico

    Thats it, i QUIT

    Dude have you ever played something else in alpha state??? BF3 in the closed alpha didn't have reload animation and the mags didn't fit it the guns, this is amazing for a game in alpha state.... You will not get beans, would even give you a tin can
  18. IncognitoNico

    So vehicles are saving now...

    Not sure about all guns but I thought you could only destroy vehicles with the AS50 I know that is 1 shot to the rotor and it's down for sure P.S. love your avatar :)
  19. IncognitoNico

    Bad Performance/FPS

    with that PC you're pretty much stuck on 12 fps, you'll have to use that until you get something better
  20. IncognitoNico

    Can a hacker turn on God-mode for you?

    they can do everything they want, give you god mode, dead mode fly mode......................................................
  21. IncognitoNico

    [VIDEO] Trolling campers with c4

    if that's arma I believe you're in the wrong forum if that's DayZ you're a hacker
  22. I think that rocket has to do something to destroy every single hacked in weapons in every server, not because I think thew makarov sd is op,, (the makarov itself is bad, sd just makes it worse) but even tho the admins ban every hacker for spawning in an AS50 there are still like a gazillion AS50 TSWs being used by people that think it's just a good find cause they're new to the game, or whatever
  23. IncognitoNico

    Teamwork Rewards

    I like it but I think everybody should be able to fly choppers cause people wouldn't use that perk, cause you never know when you're going to find a chopper or if you're going to find a chopper, or maybe that they get an special ability on the choppers, cause it would be painful to find a chopper, die, spawn as a pilot and when you get there, it's gone, maybe something like if your helicopter is being flown by a pilot the guns are stronger or something or that is more difficult for the chopper to get damage or something
  24. IncognitoNico

    Those poor SOB's on us 1913

  25. IncognitoNico

    Drop BattleEye

    hacking is going to lower down a LOT when the standalone comes out