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About Jimmyz

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  1. If you're saying you are tired of age restrictions then you are being a Hipocrit by making a squad that only allows in 11 - 14 year olds... :/
  2. HEY HEY HEY! You can't just go around calling Shananegins!
  3. Jimmyz


    What is "Private Hive"?
  4. Jimmyz

    Found a boat but why is it sooo slow?

    Whats on that island?
  5. That is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard on this game.
  6. Jimmyz


    I would think that the things that you found in the tent would be hacked... but I've got no proof so w/e, If this is legit... You're so lucky!
  7. Jimmyz

    Age limits are everywhere

    If I were the leader of a Clan I would use a age restriction because like people have said, they don't exactly want the squeaky voice 12 year old's playing with them. Its better if they just stick with playing call of duty.
  8. I would have probably ran, and also took into consideration what weapon I was using, and how close I was to zombies. If I were using a loud weapon such as Lee Enfield or Winchester, I probably would have ran away, but if I was using a pistol M1911 I would have fired off at the zombies head.
  9. Jimmyz

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    When you are accepted into the clan would you get a Steam Friend request?
  10. Jimmyz

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: Jimmy'z Steam Name: Canadian Bacon Age: 16 Mic: Yes Preferred role: Medic/Heavy Timezone: -4 GMT How often do you play a day and at what times: Weekdays: 5pm - 10pm (Unless of course I am called for work) Weekends: ALL DAY (Again depending on work) Note: Upon sending in this request, add me on steam and send me a message so i can get to know you and decide whether i'm going to let you in. Also I understand and am willing to abide by your rules.
  11. There is also Recruit difficulty you actually have a marker for where are the zombies are.
  12. Jimmyz

    Weekly Giving Out Event

    Would you be willing to give out vehicles? I expect this to be a no, but its worth a try to ask. Also do you give blood transfusions?
  13. Jimmyz

    Shotguns need some love

    If you are using pellets you do 2k less damage then if you're using slugs, therefore that could be the reason why you are not dropping them in 1 hit. Zombies having 4200 or so blood and pellets only take off 2k blood but slugs take 4.5k blood that could be why they're so crap. I find that the shotguns are fine in this game especially the Winchester 1866. Source: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons
  14. Jimmyz

    Looking for a bandit group?

    This may not be true in this case but in most cases when someone states that they are mature right off the bat, they're not exactly always mature...
  15. Jimmyz

    ZAS Recruitment Re-opening

    Name - Nick In-game Name - Jimmy'z Age - 16 (10/02/96 - DD/MM/YY) Location Eastern - Canada What Games you Play - DayZ, WoW, BF3 Experience on DayZ/Gaming - DayZ - Newby Gaming - Experienced. Why do you want to join? - I want to join ZAS because I need some people to play with, also I've heard it is a lot more fun with multiple players.