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Everything posted by webwipe

  1. webwipe

    US199 Down?

    I know the owners post here, the veteran server has been down/Disconnected from hive for a few days now, all of my stuff is stored on that server so it makes it pointless to play it right now so I have basically wasted my time off work haha. Any word on when we can play there again/why it is down?
  2. webwipe

    US199 Down?

    Fuck dude that sucks so bad, I wasted a lot of time :<
  3. webwipe

    US199 Down?

    It would be really nice if it could be up for one more day or something just so I can transfer my shit to another server, I played with a group of 5 almost every day and had 6 tents completely full of satchel charges, guns, backpacks, etc.