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About Nubaa

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    On the Coast
  1. Don't wait for the standalone, that's like 3 months away minimum. For the record you can't play offline. The server automatically saves your character for you, you can keep coming back day after day assuming your character doesn't get killed, in which case you just start on the beach again. The servers are run by whoever will run/rent their own server. I just bought this game a couple weeks ago and I don't regret a single bit of it. I've encountered plenty of glitches but I've only crashed maybe twice. There's all this talk of hackers but honestly I've only encountered it once that I know of, soon after I started playing I got teleported to a hill with a bunch of others and killed. Really just find a decent server or two (preferably low population until you get the basics) and stick with those and you won't have many problems.
  2. Nubaa

    Killing unarmed survivors..

    Guy at the end was pulling out a gun, I'd shoot his face off too. :D
  3. I feel that the game should add a notch to the texture of your primary weapon for each kill.
  4. Nubaa

    DayZ Stories

    Great stories so far. Got my first murder tonight. So I was running through the woods near cherno trying to figure out where I was gonna head to next, near the top of a slope. I see another guy running the opposite direction as me, but he has an assault rifle of some sort so I don't really feel like messing with him. Fortunately he's at the bottom of the hill so he hasn't seen me... and I go prone to wait for him to run past. Then all of a sudden he starts running up the hill, not directly at me, but he's getting too close for comfort. I plant my AKM's crosshairs on his torso and start raining lead at him, blood squirts out and then I see his death message. He had some matches, binoculars, some cooked meat and some gun called M9 or M5 or something... but I was near the coast and I didn't want to risk retribution so I grabbed what I could and took off.
  5. Sounds awesome, you did much better than my first day lol.