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About dusty926

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    Skype name: Dusty926
  1. Trying to read small, sharp, dark grey text on a black background isn't exactly easy for me. I find this font and size gets the job done better than the default text. Anyways, lets steer this back on topic please.
  2. You know those bandits that would hold you up, take your stuff, maybe break your legs, and leave you a little something to help heal up? Yeah, now the term, "Bandit" has devolved into no more than a dick who kills on sight. (Note I am not trying to stop anyone from playing a certain style.) You do not see proper banditry anymore. My analysis of this problem is, There aren't many options for proper bandity. Sure you can lay tank traps, stop someone forcefully, but it doesn't go far after that. 1 of the ideas I had were to add handcuffs. Now they shouldn't be as common as trash, and the person definitely shouldn't stay cuffed forever. I was thinking you had the option to handcuff a person that is prone and has no weapon. They would stay handcuffed for a maximum of 5 minutes. Although I do realize this would be abused by some if ever added, but that was just an idea I had to help encourage proper banditry just that one bit more. Another note: If this is in the wrong section, could a moderator please move it to the correct section?
  3. The crowbar does a laughable amount of damage, and with the fucked up melee ranges, I would say that it is the single worst weapon in DayZ, DayZ+, DayZ Namalsk, DayZ You-get-the-fucking-picture.
  4. dusty926

    How will we lose zombies after bugs are fixed

    Yeh well said dude, it also needs tactical nukes and kill streaks! (In fear of brain-dead idiots who don't understand sarcasm, that was a joke.)
  5. Is it wrong that I could read that in a heartbeat?
  6. Good lord that's funny! In a universe where tin cans are like anti-material rounds...
  7. I'll give it a try later, might be fun.
  8. I never did say it because it's the one that practically everyone knows in order to be a nice player.
  9. dusty926

    Dust/ash storms and strong winds?

    I think that's a new thing, but intended.
  10. Yes, but that goes without saying.
  11. Here are some tips for Friendly players. The most obvious one is fire back if they fire on you. If you encounter a person suddenly around a corner or in a building, get behind cover as fast as you can, then if you can, say something like "Hello?" in direct communication. Then refer to tip #1 To avoid coming across people, take less direct routes to where you want to go. To avoid people coming across you, try holding up in areas with less/low quality/no stuff. If they have a bandit skin, prepare for a fight, as chances are you're going to get one. If you happen to come across another friendly, try sticking around with him. He may just save your life. In contrast to the above tip, if you decide to stick around another player, or he chooses to stick around you, watch your back. He may try to take your beans. I just wanted to give some friendly tips, from one person to another.