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Everything posted by itzbidge

  1. itzbidge

    Dayz clan recruiment

    Age: 14 In-game name: ItzBidge Steam Name:Bidge5 How long have you been playing DayZ: Since June 2012 Are you from NA? (If you're not write your time zone): PST California Your skills:I am a good driver at times, i can snipe, run and gun... most things im good at Status (survivor/hero): survivor Short Paragraph About You: Im a 14 year old named John i live in California, USA and i love to play dayz and need for speed most wanted
  2. how do i make a ban appeal? i know to post here but what do i include in it
  3. itzbidge

    How do i make a ban appeal?

    then what am i suppose to do i got globally banned and i didnt do anything it was my friend
  4. Hello dayz staff, I am posting today on my behalf because i was globally banned on your game for no reason. I have a friend that hacks and i did not contribute to his hacks and i even told him to stop and if you could reply back i would be happy to answer any questions
  5. itzbidge

    I'm new, looking for friends.

    Please add me on steam my username is: ItzBidge
  6. itzbidge

    Looking for partner!

    if you want to team up on dayz my steam name is bidge9898
  7. itzbidge

    Looking for partner!

    i would like to team up with some of you guys, ill check out that server